Principal's Message - May 13, 2021


TGIF…Twin Groves it’s Friday! 

IMPORTANT iPad Exchange Info for ALL KCSD96 Students
Action needed! This summer District 96 will exchange your student's old iPad, charging cable, charging brick, and iPad case for new equipment. You'll need to schedule an appointment to make the exchange and the exchange must occur before August 1. READ DETAILS about this process and how it affects ALL District 96 students.


Counseling Corner
Ms. Baker and Ms. McDevitt, School Social Workers
Ms. Koulentes, School Counselor
Ms. Leverentz, School Psychologist

Friendships in Middle School 

Friendships will go through a lot of changes in middle school and that is okay.    Encourage your child to be open to these changes.  A change in friend groups may be hard at first, but it allows them to make new friends and have new experiences.  In middle school, there are students from other schools, new students moving in throughout the year, and a lot of new clubs to join.  Encourage your child to take advantage of these opportunities and foster some new friendships!

Don’t let your child confuse popularity with friendship.  Having one or two true, loyal friends is better than having ten friends that they do not trust or who are not respectful towards them.  Explain to your child what it means to have healthy friendships and try to help them foster those friends. Who is friends with whom and how many likes one has on Instagram can become a way that our students are comparing and placing value on themselves.  Stressing the value of real, healthy friendships and the benefits that one receives from those relationships can help our students see what they should focus more attention on.

Teach your children about the different types of friends:  acquaintances, casual friends, and close friends.  This will help your child keep boundaries between his/her friend groups and know who he/she can trust.  

Teach your child the signs of a healthy friendship. A healthy friend: 
-Spends time with you
-Likes you for you
-Shows interest when you talk or share experiences
-Does not demand all of your time and attention
-Is trustworthy and dependable

If your child ever tells you that they are being excluded from their social group, try to delve deeper to find out the “why” behind this.  Could your child need support with social skills, manners, or hygiene?  These are factors that do come up in middle school as some students mature emotionally and physically at a faster rate than other students do.  This does have an impact on their friendships.  Talking to your child, the teacher, or a member of the student service team may help you understand if there is exclusion happening and why it could be happening.



What’s Happening at Twin Groves?
6th Grade
Language Arts and Language Arts Advanced: Both levels of LA are finishing up their class novels: In Advanced, we are coming to the devastating conclusion of the classic The Outsiders. In LA, we have read the story Seedfolks about a community garden that brings a neighborhood together. For our final writing project, students are writing fictional stories based on those books. Please be aware that there is a District 96 Summer Reading Assignment that has been explained to all students. It should be coming to parents in an email this week. Please watch for it or visit the district website for further information. We hope everyone has a wonderful summer and kids will break away from the electronics, get outside, and read some books! 

Science: And just as a roller coaster comes to a halt, so does our 6th grade science year.  To end, we hope that some of the science labs really “moved” you and we hope that you will always look forward to science class, where you can see, hear and DO science!  So, spend some time outside these spring and summer months, enjoy nature and the ecological world we live in.  Spend a rainy afternoon creating your very own experiments, recalling the wonders of chemistry.  And, lastly, as energy is all around us and in us...use your energy every day...kick a ball, ride a roller coaster (or water slide), and stay “cool”!  Keep “kinetic” (moving) scientists and enjoy the summer!   

SS: The students have done a wonderful job learning about what makes us unique in our equality unit!  We are continuing to look at how we interact with others by studying how students can take informed action! We will look at examples of people who have made a difference in our world by sticking up for what they believe.

Pre Algebra Survey: In 6PAS, we will be working on geometry this month. Students will be solving problems involving finding the surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes. Last month, we asked you to focus on attending to precision, which means labeling units and working carefully. This month, we’d like to ask you to emphasize choosing appropriate mathematical tools. The students have learned so many different ways to apply their knowledge to solve new problems, so they should have numerous tools in their mathematical “toolbox.” For example, when solving a statistics problem, students should know whether a histogram or box-and-whiskers plot is more useful to their task. It has been such a pleasure to get to know your children, and they have impressed us with their perseverance, despite the very challenging targets we’ve had all year. The next month is going to fly by! Thank you so much for your support at home. 

The students have access to these apps that they should be using regularly:
Math Facts Ninja - For students who need extra practice with their math facts. 
IXL - This app covers topics in line with the Common Core Curriculum which the students are covering this year. This program is designed to develop critical thinking skills. 

Pre Algebra: In 6PA, students will be completing the last of their three geometry units, which is focused on transformations on the coordinate plane. Last month, we asked you to focus on attending to precision, which means labeling units and working carefully. This month, we’d like to ask you to emphasize choosing appropriate mathematical tools. The students have learned so many different ways to apply their knowledge to solve new problems, so they should have numerous tools in their mathematical “toolbox.” For example, when solving a statistics problem, students should know whether a histogram or box-and-whiskers plot is more useful to their task. It has been such a pleasure to get to know your children, and they have impressed us with their perseverance, despite the very challenging targets we’ve had all year. The next month is going to fly by! Thank you so much for your support at home. 

The students have access to these apps that they should be using regularly:
Math Facts Ninja - For students who need extra practice with their math facts. 
IXL - This app covers topics in line with the Common Core Curriculum which the students are covering this year. This program is designed to develop critical thinking skills. 

7th Grade
Language Arts and Language Arts Advanced The Language Arts classes have finished up their whole class novel studies last week.  Starting this week we will begin discussing their book club novels.  Students will work in small groups to discuss and complete assignments revolving around their groups’ novels.  The topic for each novel is overcoming obstacles.  The students will look at how the characters in the book overcome obstacles and make connections to their own lives.  You should see the novel being read at home every night.

Science:  Our final unit of the year has started this week! As the continued theme of forces are further studied. Students look to evaluate experimental designs to prove the existence of force fields between two objects even though we can not see them. This will include forces of static electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism. 

SS: It is indeed hard to grasp the reality that there are mere weeks remaining in this school year. Despite the challenges of this year, we’ve kept the discussions, arguments, claims, and questions/questioning going strong.  We’re wrapping things up with the continued growth and expansion of America (“Manifest Destiny”) while our nation is being divided between the industrial North and agricultural/plantation South.  The industrial revolution is bringing tremendous innovations, but at what “costs”?  Slavery, states’ rights, anger, frustration, and other tensions will gradually boil over to the point of no return, leading to the American Civil War.  Which cause was most important or critical?  Being the Land of Lincoln, we appreciate the historical significance of his Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg Address.  We’ll investigate the history of our American Flag -- its meaning -- and proper flag etiquette. In addition, we explore the development of the Medal of Honor and the significance of that designation and other military decorations. In 7th grade S.S. we have analyzed the growth and development of our nation from 13 British Colonies to become the mighty United States of America, with all the successes and challenges along the way. Thanks for a great year!  As Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Bridge to Algebra 1   We are in the middle of our Geometry unit.  We just learned about triangles, their interior angles, and their exterior angles.  Right now, we are focusing on circles and their circumference and area.  We will be finishing up the unit next week focusing on parallel lines cut by a transversal, and all the different angle relationships involved.

Algebra 1  We wrapped up our unit on Exponential Functions last week and are now focusing on how to create, analyze and interpret data, specifically using histograms and box and whisker plots in our Descriptive Statistics unit.  

8th Grade
Language Arts and Language Arts Advanced: I can’t believe it is already May.  In Advance, we will continue and finish Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.  Students have done an excellent job so far while we read along to a radio production of the play.  We will continue to read for understanding, translate key lines and soliloquies, and enjoy the play as it was intended.  In AT level we will end out the year with our suspense mini unit. We are exploring how authors build suspense in order to keep a reader interested.  We may even write our samples of suspenseful tales.  As the year comes to a close, I encourage you to check teacherease for any missing assignment and for your students to contact me about these assignments.  


SS: In social studies, students are studying social justice.  Students are investigating both historical and present day examples both in the United States and around the world of groups that have fought for their civil rights.  Students will understand how people’s individual characteristics influence their view of the world and how the world views them.  They will also explore the injustices that exist in the world and problem solve ways in which injustices can be confronted.  

Algebra 1: We have just concluded Unit 8: Laws of Exponents & Exponential Functions. Similar to the previous 2 units, this proved to be a challenging unit for most students! However, a lot of students rose to the challenge and really worked hard to master the learning targets! We will be beginning our short Unit 9: Descriptive Statistics to finish off the school year. Students will learn about histograms, box and whisker graphs, and analyzing/interpreting data. Please remind your student that they should be completing all homework assignments and getting help when needed! 

Algebra 2: In Algebra 2, students are finishing Unit 10: Graphing Trig Functions. The students have learned how to graph and write equations of sine and cosine functions!  They have been able to apply information they mastered last unit to this one! Please remind your student that they should be completing all homework assignments and getting help when needed! 



Technology Materials Return
There are only a few materials the district is looking to collect back from those that were distributed throughout the year. We are asking for all of the materials listed below to be returned to schools during the week of May 24th. For those students who are remote, a bin will be available inside the vestibule. Please label materials with name, grade, and homeroom.  Thank you so much for your help with this!.

Logitech Keyboards: Middle school students received a keyboard upon request in September. For a picture of the keyboards click here.

If your child is planning on taking IAR (Grades 3-8), please bring the keyboard to school on May 23-25 for use during the assessment. It will be collected after IAR is completed on Wednesday the 25th.

If your child is not using the keyboard, please return the keyboard at your earliest convenience. Early returns will help us ensure each student that wants one for IAR has one to use.



IAR Dates
Monday 5/24: Grades 3-8
Tuesday 5/25: Grades 3-8
Friday 5/26: Grades 3-8

In-person students in Grades 6-8
These students will have the same arrival and dismissal times as they normally would and complete the assessment as a part of the typical school day. 

Remote students coming to test in-person
These students will arrive at the designated time below. Teachers will communicate the appropriate class to log on to after students return home. 

Grades 6-8 Monday, May 24th  Arrival: 8:00
Grades 6-8 Monday, May 24th Dismissal: 11:15

Grades 6-8 Tuesday, May 25th  Arrival: 8:00
Grades 6-8 Tuesday, May 25th Dismissal: 11:15

Grades 6-8 Wednesday, May 26th Arrival: 8:00
Grades 6-8 Wednesday, May 26thDismissal: 10:15

View a description of arrival procedures, safety considerations, and needed materials.

View a copy of the self-certification form that all remote students must turn in before entering the building to test.

Remote students 
These students will be provided with asynchronous experiences while their grade level peers are testing. They will log onto the teacher Zooms and resume instruction at the times listed below.

Middle school students in Grades 6-8 log back into teacher Zooms at the times below on Monday and Tuesday.
Grade 6: 10:55
Grade 7: 10:45
Grade 8: 10:55

Middle school students in Grades 6-8 log back into teacher Zooms at the times below on Wednesday.
6th Grade: 10:35
7th and 8th Grades: 9:50


Protocol Update
On May 13, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks or practice social distancing in any setting–whether indoors or outside.

Consistent with our practice throughout this pandemic, we are in conversation with local health officials at the Lake County Department of Public Health to understand how this announcement from the CDC will affect our learning environments.

Be advised that our current mitigation strategies remain in place as we await local guidance.

That is–regardless of whether they have been vaccinated–our faculty, as well as our students, will be expected to continue to wear masks and practice social distancing at school and at a school-sponsored event such as 8th-grade Graduation. As you know, at this time students in our elementary district have not yet been vaccinated.

As local guidance is updated, be assured that we will share it and its implications with you promptly, as we’ve done consistently throughout the year.  


PTO- General Meeting    
The PTO will have its annual general meeting on May 19th at 1:45PM. 
If you are interested in joining, please use this zoom link.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 777 2571 6003
Passcode: Twin


School Supplies
It is time to order school supplies for the 21-22 school year. Please click on the link below to order. 

Online ordering deadline is July 9th, 2021, for delivery to homes no later than August 13th.
Code 22104
Please note….
Students will need the Twin Groves Middle School BASIC kit.



Attention Parents of 6th Graders 
Ivy Hall and Prairie have artwork from last year that needs to be picked up from Ihy Hall or Prairie. 
Please USE THIS FORM to arrange for a pick up at Ivy Hall or Prairie.
Please email Mrs. Lindgren, [email protected] or Mr. Morris, [email protected], with any questions. 
Students' Art Appreciation Event – Consortium ArtFest (Virtual) is May 17–31
KCSD96 families are invited to attend the 41st Annual Stevenson Consortium 125 ArtFest (virtual), showcasing our students’ artistic growth and achievements using a variety of media. This year you can view creative work by our KDG–Grade 8 students virtually. Exhibited art is selected by their District 96 art teachers. Access student artwork online May 17–31
Gear Up Summer Courses for Graduating 8th Graders
This summer Stevenson High School is offering several remote-learning transition workshops to help SHS students who may be seeking opportunities to learn and reinforce key skills and prerequisite content knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, English and Spanish. Each transition workshop will be a 30-minute synchronous class (per day) with asynchronous practice opportunities throughout the week. View more information.


Last Day for 8th Graders
May 28th is the last attendance day for 8th grade students.
This is a half day. Dismissal will be at 11:10AM.



8th Grade Graduation
Twin Groves Middle School is excited to honor our graduating 8th grade class with an outdoor ceremony on June 2nd.
Please View graduation information. Please note...the ceremony for M-Z students was changed from 6:30PM to 6:45PM.
More information about gown and yearbook pick up and iPad returns will be out soon.



Make Lunch Plans
Parents, please help.... With many more students learning in person in KCSD96 schools, it's essential that parents place their students' free meal preorders by 6 PM on Thursday in the week before. Preordering instructions. Questions? Contact [email protected].

ALSO, please remind your students of the meal choices you preordered, so the meals they request at lunchtime are the meal options that you preordered for them. Thank you!


REMINDER- DAILY SELF CERTIFICATION is a requirement for in-person attendance
To access the required Daily Self-Certification Form, you need to log into TeacherEase EACH MORNING your student will attend in person to submit self-certification.

This VIDEO gives instructions, including how to access the daily self-certification form using your cell phone (iOS or android).


6th Grade Dental Forms
Attention parents of 6th Graders. Proof of dental exams for all 6th graders are due by May 15th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Borzych at 847-821-8946.



Daily Announcements
Please see Twin Groves website for up to date school announcements. The announcements let you know what exciting activities and clubs are going on at Twin Groves. Please click HERE to access the Daily Announcements.