September 10, 2024

Today is an "B" DAY - Group B Health Rotation Started

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Concessions during Sports on Tuesday, September 10th

The TG PTO will be selling concessions and ice cream during the Cross Country Meet, Girls Soccer Game, and Girls Basketball Games. 

The concessions will be set up outside the Athletic Entrance Doors. There will be 

NO ICE CREAM inside the school.

All ice cream must be eaten outside.





Wednesday, September 11 - "A" Day


Study Halls run Monday-Thursdays, except on Early Release or Half Days.  Trimester One Locations




Announcement Club - Be on the TG Video Announcements. Attend the first sign up meeting to pick a filming date.  If possible, bring a group of two or three. Monday, September 16 in room 210, Ms. O'Rourke

Choir - 7th/8th Grade Choir meets Monday and Wednesdays in room 43 with Mr. Barrett.

History Fair - This year's History Fair theme is "Rights and Responsibilities in History."  If you are interested in competing in History Fair this year, check out the club on Monday, August 26th in room 105.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Leone.

Jewelry Making Club - Join us in making a variety of different types of jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, bags and so much more. We will meet every other Monday beginning August 26th at 2:30-3:15 in Ms. Sabin’s room (220).

LEGO Club - Meets on Mondays,  2:30 to 3:15 in Mrs. Huberty's room 227. Bins of Legos are available; all you have to bring is your imagination! All grades are welcome.

Math Club - Are you passionate about numbers, puzzles, and problem-solving? Do you want to explore the wonders of mathematics beyond the classroom? Then the Math Club is the place for you! We solve interesting problems: Challenge yourself with intriguing math problems and puzzles. Participate in Competitions: Get involved in math competitions and showcase your skills.  Monday, September 9th in room 207. See Mr. Zajac with questions.

Newspaper Club - Come join the Twin Groves Newspaper Club! We meet on Mondays from 2:30-3:15 in the Collaboratory (library). We publish 3 editions each school year and we are looking for people who love to design, create, write, and edit everything from interviews to arts and crafts and recipes. Check it out next Monday, September 16th! Email Ms. Woods with questions - [email protected]

Yearbook Club - Room 201 - Mr. Leven


Acceptance Club - Join Acceptance Club to help create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies in our school. Meet in Mrs. Pinta’s room 242 every Wednesday from 2:30-3:15.

Aspiring Authors - If you like to write in your spare time, come to Aspiring Authors Club! Join us for fun writing contests, exciting prompts to spark new ideas, and time to work on your own stories. Meetings are held every Wednesday in Mrs. Huberty’s room 227. All grades are welcome! Starting Wednesday, August 28th.

Card Game Club - Card game club is for enthusiasts to gather and indulge in various card games! You can socialize, improve your skills, and explore new and classic card games. We will meet every other Wednesday during the activity period in Ms. Schaefer’s room, 205, starting on 8/28. There is no sign up and all grades are welcome!

Choir - 7th/8th Grade Choir meets Monday and Wednesdays in room 43 with Mr. Barrett.

Debate Club - The first information meeting will be Wednesday, September 11 from 2:30 - 3:15 in Room 203.

FACS Club - FACS Club will start next Wednesday, 9/4. If you are interested in learning new recipes and cooking after school, please sign up on Tuesday morning outside the TASOL room. There will be a sign up for the next 2 Wednesdays. Please only sign up for one. See Mrs. Papson with any questions.

Pickelball - If you are interested in playing pickleball after school on Wednesdays 9-4, or 9-11, please sign up outside the counseling office.  Space is limited to 8 students.

Service Club - If you are interested in helping others in the area please come to the service club meeting on Wednesdays in Mr. William's room, 240.

Science Club - Come to the Science Club, the first meeting is 8/28!! If you are interested in learning more about science and like STEM activities stop by Wednesdays in Mr. Hedmarks room 123 during activity period!!

Stock Market Club - Come join this club and learn about corporations and companies and how they make money for their shareholders.  This club will look at charts/data and historical trends in order to determine a good time to buy and sell stocks/mutual funds.  You will also be competing in a virtual competition in which you get $100,000 to invest in stock and mutual funds.  This is a nationwide competition. The first meeting is Wednesday, September 5th, and we will meet every other week.  Meeting time is 2:30-3:15 on Wednesdays in room 201.


Choir - 6th grade meets on Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 PM in Room 43. Email Mr. Barrett with any questions! [email protected]

Craft Club - Do you like making small crafts and projects?  Do you like to socialize with friends while being creative?  If you do, Craft Club is for you!  We will meet Thursdays from 2:30-3:15pm in Room 122.  Bring a friend or two!  

Guitar Club - Mr. Maddox - Starts September 12th.

Language Club - Come join the Language club to meet new people, learn new languages and participate in fun group activities.  You can also exchange ideas and help other students learn about different cultures and traditions. The Language Club will meet in Room 55 on Thursdays, starting September 12th.

Meteorology, Weather, Astronomy, and more! - Do you enjoy or like to explore weather, weather patterns, satellite images, cloud formations, radar, or forecast maps?  How about hurricanes and other severe weather events?  Flight patterns around storms?  Maybe earthquakes, tsunamis, or oceanography?  Perhaps vulcanism?  Amazing space science and astronomy discoveries and images?  Look up your Sky View forecast!  We will explore, share, and “show and tell” a variety of fascinating links, information, resources, and Apps, including events in the news or other current happenings.  This club will meet on Wednesdays or Thursdays.  Drop in anytime, all grades are welcome.  Follow the announcements for meetings, or check in with Mr. Dahlstrom with any questions!Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 5, from 2:30-3:15 in Room 203.

Origami Club - Dive into the world of paper folding and discover how a simple sheet of paper can transform into incredible creations. Learn new techniques, share your masterpieces, and have fun with friends. Meetings are held on Thursdays in Mrs. Huberty’s room 227. All grades are welcome! Paper and project ideas will be provided.

Pickleball - Sign up in Counseling Office - Mrs. Koulentes

Puzzle Club - Room 220 - Ms. Sabin

sports (START AT 3:15pm)


Cross Country -  September 10th - Home vs Daniel Wright and West Oak

                            September 13th - Hawthorn Invitational at Vernon Hills High School

Soccer Boys - September 10th - Away @ Fremont

                        September 12th - Away @ Aptakisic

Soccer Girls - September 10th - Home vs Fremont

                       September 12th - Home vs Aptakisic

Girls B-Ball 7th Grade - September 10th - Home vs Fremont

                                         September 12th - Home vs Aptakisic

Girls B-Ball 8th Grade - September 10th - Away at Fremont

                                          September 12th - Away at Aptakisic




Picture Day Ordering:  Parents will go to the VIP site and order once their  child's picture is taken. Pictures are available a week or two after picture day.There are no forms to fill out before picture day. You can find the link for VIP in the Virtual Backpack on the Twin Groves website.



Daily Reminders

Cell Phones

We ask that all students have their cell phones silenced and locked securely in their lockers from 7:43am to 2:30pm.
  • If a staff member see a cell phone out, we will ask the student to lock it in their locker.
  • If they do not comply, the phone will be taken and sent to the office until the end of the day.
  • Students can collect their cell phones from the office at 2:30pm. 

Dress Code

This is a friendly reminder of the District 96 Standards of Dress from the Parent/Student Handbook

4.12-e Standards for Student Dress

  • Students who are appropriately and comfortably dressed are able to focus on schoolwork more effectively. The following guidelines will be enforced by building administrators. Cooperation by parents is appreciated.
  1. Dress or appearance that provokes or distracts other students or otherwise causes a disruption to the educational process is prohibited.
  2. Shoes must be worn at all times.
  3. Clothing, jewelry, or accessories may not have writing or pictures that advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenity, violence, or gang activity.
  4. Pants must be worn at the waistline.
  5. Hats are allowed on designated hat days only.
  6. Half shirts, cropped tops, spaghetti straps, and underwear or sleepwear worn as outerwear are not acceptable.
  7. Undergarments should not be visible.
  8. With the exception of appropriate jewelry, no chains should be worn.
  • Students who are in violation of the policy and rules of student dress code will be asked to comply with the rules by either changing to other attire that is available at school, or by having parents bring different clothes from home. In the event there is noncompliance with the above regulations, a student may receive disciplinary action. 
Please note...any student violating the dress code will be asked to change into other clothes or cover up.


Students are expected to be in their classrooms, ready to learn, by the start of each period. Students who arrive to class after the start of the period will be considered tardy and consequences may follow.

Lost & Found

There is a Lost & Found bin in the back, left corner of the cafeteria (if you're looking at the wall of windows with your back to the stage).

Please visit the Twin Groves Activities Page for a list of the clubs, activities, and academic supports that are available.