Student Behavior and Discipline

Student Behavior and Discipline

The following section contains general information about student behavior and discipline. School District 96 has established rules and guidelines governing student conduct. These rules encourage positive, constructive, and responsible student behavior and foster an environment conducive to learning. General rules and guidelines are made available to students and parents annually.

General Expectations for Student Conduct
Student conduct in District 96 schools is governed by two general principles: any conduct that is disruptive of the educational process is prohibited and any conduct that infringes upon the rights of others is prohibited. High standards of courtesy, decency, expression, honesty, morality, and wholesome relationships with others shall be maintained.

Misconduct at school or school-sponsored events will not be tolerated. Students will be expected to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity and the behavioral expectations established by the District.

Due Process and Student Discipline
While no school may deprive a student of rights without due process of law, when a student commits an act of gross disobedience or misconduct, the right to an education may be temporarily forfeited. Due process is afforded to students in order that they may present a defense, to explain the circumstances of the alleged improper actions, or to attempt to prove their innocence.

Search of Lockers and Personal Belongings. A student's locker is school property that school personnel may open and inspect at any time, for any reason. The District can inspect the contents of a backpack, jacket pocket, purse, or other closed container stored in a locker if there is reasonable suspicion to believe the search will reveal contraband or prohibited items or the evidence of misconduct.

Search of Vehicles on School Property. By electing to avail themselves of the convenience of a school parking lot, visitors are effectively agreeing in advance to any search of their vehicles parked on that lot.

Notification Regarding Student Accounts or Profiles on Social Networking Websites. The District may not request or require a student to provide a password or other related account information in order to gain access to the student's account or profile on a social networking website. The District may conduct an investigation or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is specific information about activity on the student's account or on a social networking website that violates a school disciplinary rule or policy. School officials may conduct an investigation or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is specific information about activity on the student’s account on a social networking website that violates a school disciplinary rule or policy. In the course of an investigation, the student may be required to share the content that is reported in order to allow school officials to make a factual determination.

Corporal Punishment Isolated
Corporal punishment is illegal and will not be used. Corporal punishment is defined as slapping, paddling, or prolonged maintenance of students in physically painful positions, or intentional infliction of bodily harm. Corporal punishment does not include reasonable force as needed to maintain safety for students, staff, or other persons, or for the purpose of self-defense or defense of property. The use of prone restraint is prohibited.

Isolated Time Out, Time Out, and Physical Restraint
Isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint shall only be used if the student’s behavior presents an imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others and other less restrictive and intrusive measures were tried and proven ineffective in stopping it. The school may not use isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint as discipline or punishment, convenience for staff, retaliation, a substitute for appropriate educational or behavioral support, a routine safety matter, or to prevent property damage in the absence of imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others.

Behavioral and Disciplinary Interventions and Consequences

Behavioral and disciplinary interventions and consequences are expected to be appropriate to the nature, frequency, and severity of the offense. When determining the response for a specific act of misconduct, school personnel will consider the nature of the act; the student’s previous history; his or her age and maturation; any mitigating circumstances; the impact of the student's conduct on the safety of the school, other students, and members of the school community; the impact of the student's conduct on the learning of others; the disruption of the school environment or operations; and the impact of the student's actions on the welfare of the school community.

Disciplinary responses to student misconduct may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Conferences between the student and a school administrator
  • Loss of recess
  • Loss of privileges, such as participation in extracurricular activities, including graduation
  • Peer mediation
  • Removal from class and referral to the office
  • Parent contact by telephone, email, or formal letter
  • Mandatory referral to counselor or social worker
  • Assignment of additional duties, responsibilities, or tasks
  • Restriction to a specified area of the building
  • Changes or adjustment of class schedule
  • Confiscation of unauthorized or dangerous materials
  • Financial restitution for damages
  • Restriction, suspension, or denial of privileges and/or services
  • Parent-student conference with the appropriate administrator
  • Assignment of a detention outside of normal school hours
  • Parent notification and in-school suspension
  • Parent notification and out-of-school suspension
  • Parent notification and recommendation for expulsion
  • Notification to local law enforcement authorities and initiation of legal action
  • The school principal is authorized to determine the appropriate behavioral or disciplinary intervention or consequence for any act of student misconduct.

Categories of Gross Misconduct

Gross misconduct or disobedience includes any behavior whereby a student engages in any activity, on or off campus, that interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the school environment, school operations, or an educational function. Students committing serious acts considered to be gross misconduct or disobedience are subject to disciplinary action that may result in suspension or expulsion.

Examples of acts of gross misconduct or disobedience are listed in two categories; however, administrative authority to act immediately and in the best interest of the school or students shall not be limited by these lists, should a first offense be considered serious enough to pose a threat to any person or property.

Category 1. Category 1 addresses student acts of gross misconduct or disobedience that interfere with the learning opportunities of other students or disrupt or interfere with the school environment or operations.

Examples of misconduct included within Category 1 are:

  • Loitering in the school building or on campus
  • Truancy all day, from class(es), study hall, or lunch period
  • Tardiness
  • Use of profane or obscene language
  • Gambling
  • Failure to be in assigned areas
  • Unauthorized use of school equipment
  • Posting of signs and other materials without authorization
  • Use of food outside designated eating areas
  • Littering on school property
  • Disregard of parking regulations and rules for the proper use of bicycles and bicycle helmets
  • Aiding or abetting anyone in the violation of a school rule
  • Rudeness, disobedience, or disrespect to a teacher, principal, or other staff member
  • Violation of other rules or regulations governing student conduct within the individual schools in the District
  • Any other behavior that interferes with or disrupts class or school discipline, educational processes, or school and school-related activities

Category 2. Category 2 addresses student acts of gross misconduct or disobedience that threaten the safety of students, staff, or the school community; interfere with the learning opportunities of other students; or disrupt or interfere with the school environment or operations. Certain actions are clearly in violation of expected standards of student behavior and are listed specifically as being subject to more significant behavioral and disciplinary interventions. These actions may result in the suspension or expulsion of the student from school:

  • Fighting or deliberately causing injury to another person
  • Physically assaulting a member of the faculty or staff
  • Intimidation of–or attempt to intimidate–school personnel or other students
  • Bullying
  • Intentional damage or defacing of school property
  • Intentional damage or defacing of personal property belonging to a teacher, principal, or other staff member
  • Possession of dangerous substances, objects, weapons, or facsimiles thereof
  • Stealing or theft of any kind
  • Use, distribution, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol
  • Use, distribution, possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, including — but not limited to— electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, juuling devices, look-alikes, or being under the influence of same
  • Improper use of over-the-counter and/or prescription drugs or medications, inhalants, or other substances
  • Use or possession of smoking materials, including, but not limited to, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, juuling devices
  • Forgery or misuse of any document or note
  • Cheating
  • Harassment of another student, teacher, principal, or other member of the staff on the basis of sex, national origin, religion, ethnicity, language, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
  • Any other behavior that interferes with or disrupts class or school discipline, educational processes, or school and school-related activities
  • Repeated incidents of misbehavior, including repeated refusal to comply with school rules
  • Misuse of District technology or violation of the computer network policy
  • Threats of destruction or violence against schools, students, or personnel (Class 4 felony)
  • Cyberbullying and sexting

Detentions for Student Misconduct
In accordance with state law, teachers have the right to temporarily exclude a student from class. The consequence of such an action may be the assignment of a detention. A detention is defined as a requirement that a student will be in supervised attendance before, during, or after school for a specified time as a consequence of a behavior problem or a failure to meet a typical responsibility. Parents will be contacted by phone or written notice prior to any student serving an official detention.

Suspension and Expulsion for Student Misconduct
In-school suspension may be considered for any student committing an act of gross misconduct and/or disobedience. Out-of-school suspension and/or expulsion may be considered for any student who poses a continuing danger to persons or property or is an ongoing threat of disruption to the educational process or both. The school principal has the authority to suspend a student. Suspensions may be either in school or out of school (or a combination of these), but out-of-school suspensions shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive school days for a single incident. Only the Board of Education has the authority to expel a student from school.

Typical Procedures for Disciplinary Referrals
When a student violates expectations for student conduct in the District, a staff member or administrator shall promptly prepare a written report of what took place. Once the disciplinary report has been filed with the school administrator or designee, a determination shall be made whether the conduct warrants a consequence including, but not limited to, consideration of a detention, suspension, and/or expulsion. Parents will be contacted via phone, email, or written notice.

A student will not be able to make up class assignments or attendance obligations in the case of expulsion and/or truancies that are unexcused absences.

Students who receive numerous or significant disciplinary referrals during the 8th-grade school year may be excluded from participation in graduation activities.

General Procedures for Disciplinary Appeals
School administrators are responsible for maintaining an orderly and disciplined environment conducive to learning. In the case in which a parent disagrees with a principal’s decision regarding a behavioral or disciplinary intervention, the parent shall contact the principal to schedule a conference to discuss the incident. If, after this conference, the parent remains dissatisfied with the behavioral or disciplinary intervention or consequence, the parent may contact the superintendent’s office to discuss the incident with the superintendent or designee.

Specific Procedures for Out-of-School Suspensions

Out-of-school suspensions procedures include the following:

1. A conference during which the charges will be explained and the student will be given an opportunity to respond to the charges before he or she may be suspended.

2. A student can be immediately suspended when the student's presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the educational process. In such cases, the notice and conference shall follow as soon as practicable.

3. The principal will send parents a written notice of the suspension which includes the following information:

a. Notice to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of their child's right to a review of the suspension;

b. Information about an opportunity to make up work missed during the suspension for equivalent academic credit;

c. Detail of the specific act of gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the decision to suspend and the specific duration of the suspension, including actual dates of suspension.

d. For a suspension of 5 or more school days, a statement of what, if any, appropriate and available support services will be provided to the student during the length of his or her suspension. Interventions provided prior to the suspension will also be shared.

Upon request of the parents, a review of the suspension shall be conducted by the Board or a hearing officer appointed by the Board. At the review, the student's parents may appear and discuss the suspension with the Board or its hearing officer and may be represented by counsel. The student and his or her parents may offer evidence and otherwise present reasons the student should not have been suspended. After presentation of the evidence or receipt of the hearing officer's report, the Board shall take such action as it finds appropriate.

Before a student may be expelled, the student and his or her parents shall be provided a written request to appear at a hearing to determine whether the student should be expelled. The request shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. The request shall:

a. Include the time, date, and place for the hearing

b. Briefly describe what will happen during the hearing

c. Detail the specific act of gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the decision to recommend expulsion

d. State that the School Code allows the School Board to expel a student for a definite period of time not to exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case-by-case basis

e. Ask that the student or parents or attorney inform the Superintendent or Board Attorney if the student will be represented by an attorney and, if so, provide the attorney's name and contact information

The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Board. He or she shall report to the Board the evidence presented at the hearing and the Board shall take such final action as it finds appropriate. During the expulsion hearing, the hearing officer shall hear evidence concerning whether the student is guilty of the gross disobedience or misconduct as charged. The student and his or her parents may be represented by counsel, offer evidence, present witnesses, cross-examine witnesses who testified, and otherwise present reasons the student should not be expelled. After presentation of the evidence or receipt of the hearing officer's report, the Board shall decide the issue of guilt and take such action as it finds appropriate.

Re-Engagement of Returning Students
The District will maintain a process to facilitate the re-engagement of students who are returning from an out-of-school suspension, expulsion, or an alternative school setting. The goal of re-engagement shall be to support the student's ability to be successful in school following a period of exclusionary discipline and shall include the opportunity for students who have been suspended to complete or make up work for equivalent academic credit.

The student or parent is encouraged to provide evidence that the student has contacted an agency or professional individual regarding the advisability or need for counseling. Resources can be obtained from the building principal or by talking with the social worker, counselor, or school psychologist assigned to the child's school.

Guidelines Covering Other Forms of Student Misconduct
Parents should consult with the school principal if they have questions about expectations for student behavior when dealing with bicycles, bicycle helmets, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, lunchrooms, playgrounds, cheating, harassment, or dress.

Honor Code and Definition of Cheating. It is the District’s responsibility to deal with cheating when it occurs at school. Cheating occurs when a student attempts to pass, as their own, work that is not the student’s. Students may violate the spirit of the honor code in ways that are not specifically listed in this Handbook. Some examples of cheating include–but are not limited to–any of the following actions by a student:

1. Taking a test and receiving help of any kind from others or from hidden answer sheets, notes, or devices. This includes copying or receiving answers from others, seeing a copy of the test beforehand, checking answers with another student, or giving help to another.

2.  Lending or borrowing homework or class work unless the teacher has indicated that the students may work together.

3.  Plagiarizing work, including copying out of books or other sources without crediting. Copied work must be cited as such.

4.  Intentionally misgrading either his or her own or another’s work.

5.  Passing off homework or a project as his or her own when a family member actually did the work. The work should be the student’s.

6.  Speaking aloud to oneself or directly to someone other than the teacher during a test or quiz.

After considering other factors that may be relevant to the situation, the consequences for any of the above or similar actions shall be as follows:  The student will be asked to complete the work in an honest manner so that his or her knowledge may be accurately assessed. Subsequent disciplinary measures will be taken at the administrator's discretion.

Standards for Student Dress
Students are expected to wear clothing in a neat, clean, and well-fitting manner while on school property and/or in attendance at school-sponsored activities. Students are to use discretion in their dress and are not permitted to wear apparel that causes a substantial disruption in the school environment.

Student dress (including accessories) may not advertise, promote, or picture alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.

Student dress (including accessories) may not display lewd, vulgar, obscene, or offensive language or symbols, including gang symbols.

Hats, coats, bandannas, sweatbands, and sunglasses may not be worn in the building during the school day.

Hairstyles, dress, and accessories that pose a safety hazard are not permitted in the shop, laboratories, or during physical education.

Clothing with holes, rips, tears, and clothing that is otherwise poorly fitting, showing skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school.

The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment.

Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.

If there is any doubt about dress and appearance, the building principal will make the final decision.

Students whose dress causes a substantial disruption of the orderly process of school functions or endangers the health or safety of the student, other students, staff or others may be subject to discipline.

Student Involvement in Gangs. Student involvement in gangs or gang-related activities–including the display of gang symbols or gang paraphernalia on school grounds or wearing of clothing in ways that indicate gang affiliation or membership while in school, on school grounds, or at school-sponsored events–is strictly prohibited. Any student who violates these guidelines shall be subject to possible suspension or expulsion and notification to law enforcement authorities in accordance with the District's student discipline policy.

Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment Prohibited. No person, including a District employee or agent, or student, shall harass, intimidate, or bully a student on the basis of actual or perceived: race; color; national origin; military status; unfavorable discharge from military service; sex; sexual orientation; gender identity; gender-related identity or expression; ancestry; age; religion; physical or mental disability; order of protection status; status of being homeless; actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy; association with a person or group with one or more of these perceived characteristics; or any other distinguishing characteristic. The District will not tolerate harassing or intimidating conduct, or bullying, whether verbal, physical, sexual, visual, or electronic, that places a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or property; causes a substantially detrimental effect on a student's physical or mental health; substantially interferes with the student's academic performance; or substantially interferes with the student's or students' ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

Sexual harassment of students is prohibited. Any person, including a district employee or agent, or student, engages in sexual harassment whenever he or she makes sexual advances, requests sexual favors, and/or engages in other verbal or physical conduct, including sexual violence, of a sexual or sex-based nature, which denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; that makes such conduct a condition of a student's academic status; or has the purpose or effect of:

a. Substantially interfering with a student's educational environment;

b. Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment;

c. Depriving a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or

d. Making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for academic decisions affecting a student. 

Examples of sexual harassment include touching, crude jokes or pictures, discussions of sexual experiences, teasing related to sexual characteristics, and spreading rumors related to a person's alleged sexual activities.

Students are encouraged to report claims or incidences of bullying, intimidation, harassment, sexual harassment, or any other prohibited conduct to their school Principal, Assistant Principal, or to a Complaint Manager under the Board of Education's Uniform Grievance Procedure described in Board Policy 2:260.

Bullying Prevention and Policy

Bullying includes cyberbullying and means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following: 

1. Placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or property;

2. Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student's physical or mental health; 

3. Substantially interfering with the student's academic performance;

4. Substantially interfering with the student's or students' ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

The District has adopted a Bullying Prevention Plan, which includes a set of administrative procedures to guide our response to bullying.

A system for responding to students who bully others takes into account that bullying behavior occurs on a continuum ranging from an isolated incident to chronic and persistent behavior. The Bullying Prevention Plan Policy is based on a progressive response, with the severity and duration of the bullying behavior determining the level of response required. Levels I and II are applied sequentially; Level III may be applied after Level II, or Level III may be applied independently to any bullying situation that is considered serious when first brought to the attention of staff. For more information or copies of the Bullying Prevention Plan Policy, parents/guardians should contact their school principal. See the District Bullying Prevention Plan Policy

 A report of bullying may be made orally or in writing to the Nondiscrimination Coordinator, School Principal, Assistant Principal, Dean of Students, a Complaint Manager or any staff member with whom the student is comfortable speaking. Anyone, including staff members and parents/guardians, who has information about actual or threatened bullying is encouraged to report it to the district-named officials or any staff member. The District named officials and all staff members are available for help with a bully or to make a report about bullying. Anonymous reports are also accepted.

Nondiscrimination Coordinator:

  • Jane Pedersen, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 1050 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, 847-459-4260, [email protected] 

Complaint Manager(s):

  • Jennifer Smith, Principal, Willow Grove Early Learning Center, [email protected], 847-541-3660
  • Aska Lempke, Principal, Country Meadows Elementary School, [email protected], 847-353-8600
  • Mike Senatore, Principal, Ivy Hall Elementary School, [email protected], 847-459-0022
  • Karen L. Cumpata, Principal, Kildeer Countryside Elementary School, [email protected], 847-634-3243
  • Lauren Delahanty, Principal, Prairie Elementary School, [email protected], 847-634-3144
  • Jessica Barnes, Principal, Twin Groves Middle School, [email protected], 847-821-8946
  • Greg Grana, Principal, Woodlawn Middle School, [email protected], 847-353-8500