ACTIVITIES [Clubs & Sports]

Please read the Daily AnnouNcements or Schoology for updated information on meeting times and clubs. Not all clubs have meeting times yet or are meeting this Trimester. The clubs that are on the Daily AnnouNcements or Schoology will provide you up-to date information about clubs that are meeting.

Clubs and Study Halls

Clubs and Study Halls will begin on Monday, August 19th. The clubs and study halls run from 2:30 PM-3:15 PM. Students do not need to sign up for clubs or study halls. Please check announcements for updated club meeting dates.

There will be buses available for students who qualify for bussing during the school year. If students are NOT a bus rider to and from school, they are unable to take the activity bus.

Please note that the office closes at 3:30 PM every day.

Be sure to know where study hall will be meeting that day! [Study Hall Locations]


Acceptance Club:  Join Acceptance Club to help create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies in our school. Meet in Mrs. Pinta’s room 242 every Wednesday from 2:30-3:15, starting on August 28th.

After School Sports: After School Sports will be a chance for you to get together with other TG students to play a variety of sports and games including badminton, soccer, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, kickball, and more.  We are always open to ideas and suggestions for club activities as well!  All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are welcome to join us on Wednesdays during the activity period from 2:30-3:15.  Questions?  Please see Mrs. Degen or Mrs. Ruchim.  We look forward to seeing you there! We will meet Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15 starting August 28th.

Announcement Club:We are looking for students who would love to film weekly video announcements! There are roles for anchors and field agents. Join to be on the big screen updating TG about current events! See Ms. O'Rourke for details. [email protected]

Art Fair Club:  Calling all self motivated and independent 7th & 8th grade artists.  This club spends September to March creating personal pieces of artwork.  Artists will choose their own topics and processes/materials.  In March, the artists will share their work at an art show at Twin Groves in conjunction with the Music in Our Schools performance.  In order to accommodate orchestra and band students who have practice after school, the club will alternate meeting Wednesdays and Thursdays every week. Starts 8/29.  Click here for schedule for the year.

Aspiring Authors Club: If you like to write in your spare time, come to Aspiring Authors Club! Join us for fun writing contests, exciting prompts to spark new ideas, and time to work on your own stories. Meeting are held every Wednesday in Mrs. Huberty’s room 227. All grades are welcome!

Board Game Club: The Board Game Club will be a chance for you to get together with friends to play some classic board games.  We will also have a featured game each meeting which will be a chance to play something you probably never have before.   We will meet in room 208 on the first and third Wednesday day of each month starting on 9/4.

Book Club: Join Book Club! Each trimester, we will choose a popular, high interest and fun book to read as a group. At our meetings we will discuss what we’re liking about the book, things we are curious about and predictions we have for what comes next. We will also do some fun activities related to the book to bring the action alive and connect with the characters. Meet in the Collaboratory after school on WEDNESDAYS starting 9/11.

Card Game Club: Card game club is for enthusiasts to gather and indulge in various card games! You can socialize, improve your skills, and explore new and classic card games. We will meet every other Wednesday during the activity period in Ms. Schaefer’s room, 205, starting on 8/28. There is no sign up and all grades are welcome!

Catalyst Club: Catalyst is a leadership group dedicated to supporting and encouraging a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle for the youth in our community. Students can come and learn more about making positive decisions that will affect our community.  Help build school spirit the drug-free way.  Meetings typically meet once a month on Wednesdays beginning in September. Open to ALL students.

Chess Club: Chess Club meets Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4:45 PM during the months of November through February. We work on skills, Analyze games, and play in club tournaments throughout the season. Anyone can join the chess club as we have novice through advanced level players. By the end of the season our beginners are now becoming intermediate players and our more experienced players have gained skills in teaching others to play. The time flies by and everyone has fun.  Chess Club will start in mid-November.  Keep checking announcements for start date.

Chorus:  Do you like to sing? Come make music with your friends and have fun! No experience is needed! Scan the QR code on the fliers posted throughout the school to sign up. For 7th and 8th graders, our first rehearsal will be on Monday, August 26th from 2:30-3:15 PM in Room 43. For 6th graders who are interested, our first rehearsal will be on Thursday, August 29th from 2:30-3:15 PM in Room 43. Email Mr. Barrett with any questions! [email protected]

Craft Club:  Do you like making small crafts and projects?  Do you like to socialize with friends while being creative?  If you do, Craft Club is for you!  We will meet every other Thursday from 2:30-3:15pm in Room 55.  Bring a friend or two!  Our first meeting will be on Thursday, August 29th.

Culture Club:  Do you like learning about different cultures and traditions? Culture club is for you and is open to all students. We will meet Mondays from 2:30-3:15. We explore different cultures through crafts, games and food. Contact Mrs. Papson with any questions. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 16th.

Dance Club: Be a part of the Twin Groves Dance Team and perform at halftime of the girls basketball games.  All sixth, seventh and eighth graders can try out.  Practices are Mondays - Thursdays from 3:15-4:30.  We typically have two games a week.  Season runs from September- early October.  Everyone MUST have a sports physical on file in order to participate

Debate Club: Debate Club will empower students to tactfully argue and debate matters in a structured setting against their peers. We will prepare to defend both sides of topics, even if one does not agree with the stance. Debates will be one team against another team. During practices, students will learn how to complete scholarly research, cooperate and work together, use quality evidence to back up claims, how to speak persuasively, learn debating steps and process, and how to use arguments in a logical and convincing manner. This is only a club, not a competition such as the Debate Team at SHS. At this level it’s not so much about “winning” but rather obtaining critical skills that will serve students well into their future. Daily announcements will inform when meetings will take place. All grades are welcome.  Mr. Dahlstrom in room 203. Starts Wednesday, September 11th.

FACS Club:  Who loves to cook! Join us for FACS club in the TASOL room. We will be trying out new recipes and learning different cooking techniques. Club for 7/8th grade will be on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15 starting on 9/4. Sixth grade will start after Winter Break.

Guitar Club: If you play guitar, are looking to learn some basics, or simply want to rock, then guitar club is the place for you! This is a pretty self-explanatory club- we celebrate all things guitar. Whether you want to play, learn, or just talk about music, feel free to come on down! If this all sounds great but you don’t have a guitar or know how to play, no worries! The guitars are provided and ALL skill levels are welcome. We will meet weekly and the dates/location are TBA, so keep an eye out!

History Fair:  Become a student historian this year by joining History Fair.  This year's theme is Turning Points in History.  This year’s theme invites you to consider questions of time and place, cause and effect, change over time, and impact and significance. Students can work independently or in groups to create an inquiry project to compete in the regional fair in the spring.  We will meet once a week on Mondays starting August 28th.  We will meet from 2:30-3:15 in room 105.  Hope to see you there.

Jewelry Making Club: Join us in making a variety of different types of jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, bags and so much more. We will meet every other Monday beginning August 26th at 2:30-3:15 in Ms. Sabin’s room (220).

Lego Club:  If you like to use your imagination and build with Legos, this club is for you! We meet every Monday from 2:30-3:15 in Mrs. Huberty’s room 227. Students can join at any time during the year, and all grades are welcome to attend. Start date is August 28th.

Math Club: The Purpose of Math Club is to develop students’ level of Math skills and knowledge. Students will cooperatively work to complete Logic and Math Puzzles. Math Club will support classroom learning, enrich their skills with higher order thinking, and prepare students for future Math Competitions.  Math Club is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders interested and we will meet every other Monday starting September 9th.

Meteorology, Weather and Astronomy Club: Do you enjoy or like to explore weather, weather patterns, satellite images, cloud formations, radar, or forecast maps?  How about hurricanes and other severe weather events?  Flight patterns around storms?  Maybe earthquakes, tsunamis, or oceanography?  Perhaps vulcanism?  Amazing space science and astronomy discoveries and images?  Look up your Sky View forecast!  We will explore, share, and “show and tell” a variety of fascinating links, information, resources, and Apps, including events in the news or other current happenings.  This club will meet on Wednesdays or Thursdays.  Drop in anytime, all grades are welcome.  Follow the announcements for meetings, or check in with Mr. Dahlstrom with any questions! Club start date will be September 5th in room 203.

Newspaper Club: Join the TG Times Team! This all student created school newspaper club determines all of the content that is shared with Twin Graves staff and students. We not only create written articles, but create digital content to share too! We publish three editions each year, once a trimester. Come check out all the interesting things that we have happening around Twin Groves and share that with everyone. We meet on Mondays in the Collaboratory starting 9/9.

Origami Club: Dive into the world of paper folding and discover how a simple sheet of paper can transform into incredible creations. Learn new techniques, share your masterpieces, and have fun with friends. Meetings are held on Thursdays in Mrs. Huberty’s room 227. All grades are welcome! Paper and project ideas will be provided.

Peer Buddies Club: Attention 7th graders! Come join us in participating in the Peer Buddy Program. This program is an opportunity for you to assist students with disabilities in building social skills, fitness skills, team-building skills, and friendships! What is a peer buddy? A peer buddy is a role model, friend, leader, and responsible peer. Come join us in creating a more inclusive community! This program will take place once a week during 7th grade FLEX.  See Mrs. Gustin in PE with questions.

Pickleball Club: Pickleball club is an opportunity to practice playing pickleball just for fun with other students in the building.  Students of any grade level  will learn the rules of the game, practice skills, and start playing the game with others.  Please listen to the announcements as we will be alternating club days between Wednesdays and Thursdays and there will be directions for sign ups.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Williams or Mrs. Koulentes. Starting Thursday, August 28th.

Puzzle Club: Come challenge yourself with a variety of puzzles and brain teasers every Thursday from 2:30-3:15 in Ms. Sabin’s room (220).

Scholastic Bowl: Interested in showing off your trivia knowledge? We want YOU on OUR state winning team! Scholastic Bowl is a quiz-based team competition that tests players on a wide variety of academic subjects: Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Language Arts, Fine Arts, and a section for miscellaneous questions. Our season runs mid-February through May, with tryouts at the end of January. Tryouts are by subject area and will include both a written test and a practice round. Stay on the lookout for updates!

Science Club: Come to the Science Club, the first meeting is 8/28!! If you are interested in learning more about science and like STEM activities stop by next wednesday In Mr. Hedmarks room during activity period!!

Service Learning Club: f you would like to help others and give back to the community and world around you, this may be the club for you!  We will have different focuses throughout the year based on student interests.  We will meet on Wednesdays or Thursdays throughout the school year.  We may also meet on the weekends at various locations to volunteer with parent permission slips.  Please listen to the announcements to hear about our meetings. First meeting is Wednesday, August 28th.

Spirit Club: This club will be based on teacher recommendations.  Students will be asked to participate to help plan games, events, and assemblies which promote a positive culture and community at Twin Groves.  We are looking for students with strong leadership and organizational skills, creative ideas, and integrity. Sponsors are Mr. Williams, Ms. Baker and Mrs. Koulentes.

Spring Musical:  Have you ever wanted to perform on Broadway? Do you like to sing and dance? Come audition for the next best thing, the Twin Groves Spring Musical, tryout date TBD(watch the announcements after winter break! Starting in March, rehearsals will be in Mr. Barrett’s room 43. The show opens the first weekend in May, so we better see you all there. Be on the lookout for more information about auditions later this school year!  We will be giving out hints about the show every week in Choir!

Stock Market Club:  Come join this club and learn about corporations and companies and how they make money for their shareholders.  This club will look at charts/data and historical trends in order to determine a good time to buy and sell stocks/mutual funds.  You will also be competing in a virtual competition in which you get $100,000 to invest in stock and mutual funds.  This is a nationwide competition. The first meeting is Wednesday, August 28, and we will meet every other week.  Meeting time is 2:30-3:15 on Wednesday.

Student Leadership-6th Grade: We are looking for sixth graders interested in peer tutoring other students during Flex, as well as planning and teaching SEL lessons. YLP members must attend two meetings per month on Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 and maintain eligibility requirements. There will be an application in the announcements in October. Sponsor is Mrs. Didech, room 224.

Student Leadership-7th Grade: We are looking for seventh graders interested in peer tutoring other students during Flex, as well as planning and teaching SEL lessons. YLP members must attend two meetings per month on Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 and maintain eligibility requirements. Check morning announcements for application information.  Sponsor Ms. O'Rourke, room 210.

Student Leadership-8th Grade: Eighth graders interested in helping others should join YLP.  There will be opportunities to tutor fellow students and participate in community service to strengthen our Twin Groves community.  We will meet once a week on Wednesday from 2:30-3:15 in room 105.  Check morning announcements for application information. Sponsor is Ms. Leone, room 105.

Variety Show:  At the end of the school year, students are given the opportunity to share their talent with the school by submitting a video clip to the sponsors which is then added to the All-School Variety Show.  We have such a talented group of students!  In the past acts have included: art, singing, musical instruments, dance, magic, acting, etc.  Please reach out to the sponsors if you have any questions. Mrs. Didech, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Koulentes. 

Yearbook: Come be a part of the yearbook committee.  This is your chance to create your student-run yearbook for Twin Groves.  You will be responsible for taking pictures, creating pages in the yearbook, and editing your pages.  We will begin meeting on Mondays starting September 9th, once a week until the end of February.  See Mr. Leven for details.

Yoga & Mindfulness Club:  Please join us to relax, de-stress, have fun, and practice your yoga skills! We will meet on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15pm in the weight room beginning January 15, 2025. You may join us at any point! Please see or email Mrs. Kugler at [email protected] with any questions.

General Information:

SPORTS 2024-2025 

To try-out/participate, students are required to have a current year physical on file with the nurse.

7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball (fall) Girls Soccer (fall)
Boys Soccer (fall)              Cross Country (fall)                           
Wrestling (winter) Boys Volleyball (spring) 7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball (winter)

Scholastic Bowl (late fall)

7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball (winter)
Dance Club (winter)   Track and Field (spring)

Twin Groves Sports Webpage