Does your Class of 2020 graduating 8th-grader have a positive lunch account balance?
Positive lunch account balances (any amount) may be transferred to a younger sibling enrolled in District 96, Grades 1 - 8, for the 2020 - 2021 school year. Request the positive lunch account balance transfer NO LATER THAN Monday, May 4, 2020.
To make the transfer online:
- Log in to your K12 Payment Center account and select "Transfer funds" from the menu on the left side of the website home page.
- In "Recurring Payments," disable any automatic balance replenishments set for your graduating 8th grader (Important, to avoid being charged again).
To request a transfer if you have not established an account:
- Send a "Transfer Request" email to Sara LaPoint. Include the following info: Names of BOTH the graduating 8th grader and the remaining D96 sibling whose lunch account should receive the transferred amount.
To request a refund:
- Untransferred positive lunch account balances greater than $10 will automatically be processed as a refund and mailed on May 27, 2020, to the graduating 8th grader's home address on record.
Note: If your student is returning to District 96 for the next school year, his or her lunch account balance will be carried over automatically.