Current Patriot Consortium Mathematics Placement Process

Over the last few years, Stevenson High School and the feeder middle schools have created a scope and sequence and aligned the curriculum to the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, as well as created common benchmarks for the end of each unit for both the Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 courses. The Consortium has created criteria that define the four strands of mathematical proficiency to highlight the attributes of a proficient mathematical thinker. The criteria are grouped into three categories (chart follows at foot of page):

  • Procedural Skills and Fluency (How well you can correctly use mathematics)
  • Conceptual Understanding (How well you utilize mathematical ideas, transfer your knowledge into new situations, and apply it to new contexts)
  • Problem Solving with Adaptive Reasoning and Strategic Competence (How well you can apply strategies and sound reasoning)

Over the course of the year, the mathematics teachers will be discussing these criteria with the students in class to create a portrait of each student. This portrait will be used to recommend the students into the mathematics course at Stevenson High School that matches the student's content knowledge as well as level of mathematics proficiency at this time.

As a District and Consortium, it is our vision that each student move on to the next course in the sequence providing that there are no significant gaps in content knowledge. If there are significant gaps in content knowledge and a change in recommendation occurs, District faculty will contact the student's parent/guardian. We feel this process allows a mathematical picture of the student to develop over time, which will provide a more informed recommendation.

  Sequence of Courses      
8th Algebra 1 Algebra 2 (AC)    
9th Algebra 2
Algebra 2 AC
Geometry AC
Geometry HN
10th Geometry
Geometry AC
Precalculus AC
Precalculus HN
11th Precalculus
Precalculus AC
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
12th Calculus AB
Calculus AB
MV / Statistics

Procedural Skills &


Problem Solving with
Adaptive Reasoning &
Strategic Competence

How well you can correctly
use mathematics


Skill in carrying out
procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, & appropriately

How well you utilize
mathematical ideas,
transfer your knowledge
into new situations, and
apply it to new contexts

Comprehension of
mathematical concepts, operations, and relations


How well you can apply
strategies and sound reasoning

Capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation, and justification and ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems

I can identify and use the
most efficient method for the problem. (MP7)

I can use mathematical computations, terms,
symbols, formulas, and language appropriately.
(MP5, 6)

I can recognize the algebraic structure in problems and use rules or procedures to solve or simplify. (MP7)

I can solve problems with accuracy. (MP6)


I can use diagrams, pictures, and symbols to justify my work. (MP4)

I can understand and justify the "why" of
the procedure. (MP3)

I can justify solutions
algebraically, graphically,
and numerically. (MP3)

I can explain my solution
with sound mathematical reasoning using precise mathematics vocabulary and terminology. (MP3, 8)

I can determine the reasonableness of my answer. (MP2)

I can select and use all
the pertinent information to solve the problem. (MP2)

I can determine a solving strategy by forming logical relationships among concepts and situations. (MP7, 8)

I can represent a situation mathematically using
modeling. (MP4)

I can retain and apply
information and skills from previous units to solve problems alongside new concepts. (MP7, 8)

I can make connections between multiple mathematical concepts to solve problems in unfamiliar situations. (MP7, 8)

I can persevere when encountering new and difficult concepts. (MP1)

Updated Fall 2019