Dual Language Lottery

Families interested in enrolling their incoming kindergartner in the Spanish/English Dual Language Program can indicate so on the registration form while completing the kindergarten registration process that begins March 3, 2025.  This process should be completed by April 15, 2025, to be entered into the Dual Language Lottery.  Please note that indicating interest in the Dual Language Program does not guarantee acceptance into the Dual Language program.  

The public Dual Language Lottery will be hosted virtually at 5 p.m. on April 29, 2025.  Confirmation emails and lottery details will be sent to parents who have indicated interest through the registration process.

Student Selection

  • All district students who have Spanish language experience in the home will be entered in the Spanish Experience Lottery (18 students**).
  • To determine which non-Spanish speaking students are selected for the program, there will be two lotteries: a Host-School Lottery and a District-Wide Lottery.
    Host school (Country Meadows) students will be selected through a Host School Lottery (10 students**). Host school students who are not selected will be placed on a Host School Waiting List based on the order in which their names were drawn in the Host School Lottery.
    District-wide students (who are not from the host school) will be entered into a District-Wide Lottery (10 students**). District-wide students who are not selected will be placed on a District-Wide Waiting List based on the order in which their names were drawn in the District-Wide Lottery.


    Within each of the lotteries, preference is given based on the following:

    • If one twin (or other multiple) is selected, the other(s) is (are) automatically accepted into the program, provided there is room.
    • Students who have siblings in the program are accepted, provided there is room in the program. (If there is not sufficient space for all siblings, a sibling lottery will be held.)

    Program Entry

    Should a spot become available in the Kindergarten Dual Language Program, students placed on the waiting list are eligible for enrollment in the program during their kindergarten year.  Beginning in 1st grade, any students with Spanish language experience may enter the program beyond kindergarten if they demonstrate the language skills needed and space allows.  A student who moves into the district and was previously enrolled in an equivalent program will be allowed to enter the program if space allows.

    *If needed because more than 18 students express interest via the form, students with Spanish language experience are assessed with a language proficiency tool.  If their skills indicate they qualify for language services, they will be entered into the Spanish Experience Lottery.  If their skills do not require language services, they will be entered into either the Host School or District-Wide Lottery.

    **The number of open slots may change from school year to school year, based on District enrollment. The value represented is true of the current lottery year.