Woodlawn Principal's Blog 1/19/24

It was a short week but there was a lot of energy in the building today.  We had our PTO Special Lunch and our girls’ volleyball season has started!  It was really cold a couple of mornings but that did not stop some of our middle schoolers from wearing shorts to school. It makes me cold just thinking about it.    

On Wednesday the 7th/8th grade Woodlawn chorus students put on a concert with the other Consortium middle schools and Stevenson choir students.

SHS Fine Arts Tour

Stevenson High School performed for our 8th graders today, showing off the many different options students have when they go to high school.  Art, drama, band, orchestra, chorus, improv, and other activities were displayed for our students.  It was great to see many of our former Woodlawn students showing off their skills!  

Side Notes From Greg Grana 

  • If you ever e-mail or call me, I will most likely sign or ask you to refer to me as Greg.  It is how I do business and I want you to feel comfortable with calling me by my first name.  I respect and value people who call me Mr. Grana, but just know that I am comfortable with whatever.  \
  • Please call me if you have any questions about what is happening at Woodlawn.  Try not to get your information from Facebook Chat groups.  I do not follow them, but people will tell me what is being said and it is oftentimes so far off the mark it borders on ridiculous. I make myself available as soon as possible to anyone who needs me.  
  • The cancellation of the ski trip was a joint decision by the middle schools in consultation with the district office.  I know that many of our students are expert skiers, and they know how to dress for the conditions.  I also know that we take several first-time skiers who will freeze on a night like tonight.   I looked at the forecast and next week looks way better for everyone.  
  • The 7th graders are caught between being kids and young adults.  They are using language that is completely inappropriate and students of all ethnic backgrounds are using racially charged terms that have no business in school or society.  I spoke with the 7-1 team today and I will be speaking with the 7-2 team next week about the expectations of the staff.  Woodlawn is a classy place and I have high expectations for everyone in this building.  
  • I have said this before, I appreciate the community and the partnership with our staff.  We all want what is best for our students and we are building future community members.  Thank you for your support.  

Coming January 25: Simplifying Stevenson- Attention 8th Grade Families

Save the Date:  January 25, 2024, is the date for the next “Simplifying Stevenson,” featuring SHS’s Dr. Ted Goergen, Director of Student Activities, and current SHS students in a Q&A about the school.  (Dr. Goergen will be SHS’s Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, beginning next year.)

This is designed for parents of Twin Groves and Woodlawn 8th graders who will be SHS freshmen in fall 2024.

This event begins at 7 p.m. January 25, in the cafeteria at Twin Groves Middle School, 2600 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove

Simplifying Stevenson 2024

ACCESS Testing

The State of Illinois requires identified English Learner (EL) students to annually participate in the ACCESS testing to determine current English language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Our ACCESS testing will occur from 1/23/24-2/9/24. Each school’s testing schedule is unique and will only impact students who take the ACCESS test. Students taking ACCESS do not need to prepare anything ahead of time.

NEW *24-25 Kindergarten Registration Open*

Are you the parent of a kindergarten student or friends with someone who is? Please help us get the word out! Kindergarten registration is now open for the 24-25 school year. Families who complete registration by April 30th may attend Kindergarten Kick-Off in May at Willow Grove Early Learning Center and receive a free t-shirt while at the event! Kindergarten Kick-Off is an exciting event designed to welcome and introduce incoming kindergarten students and their parents/guardians to Willow Grove, supporting a successful transition into school and kindergarten. Please follow this link to learn about the steps to register. Fully registered families will receive additional information about Kindergarten Kick-Off and more in early April. 

If your child is already attending Willow Grove in the early childhood program, you will automatically receive a registration link in March for kindergarten. Please wait until you receive that link to proceed with registration. You will still want to complete the registration process by April 30th to receive your child's free t-shirt and attend Kindergarten Kick-Off.

Please note that your child must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2024 to attend kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year.

Click here for the Woodlawn Daily Announcements

Finally, when it gets really cold, I get knee pain which makes me question why I live in the Midwest.  The answer is simple, this is where I grew up and family/friends mean everything to me.  Over break, I had a visit to my doctor.  It was a regular visit but I mentioned that the knee was a trouble spot.  Back when I was something, I liked to play in pick-up basketball games. One day, that came to an abrupt end.  Permanently. So my doc tells me it is time to see a specialist.  Here is my fear…I have been down this road before and the recommendation is usually physical therapy.  My experience with physical therapists is that they want me to build up the muscles so that the knee functions better.  Makes sense.  What doesn’t make sense is the exercises that they have you do.  It starts with some light weights and flexibility, but before you know it, I am balancing on a ball while spinning plates in the air.  I feel like physical therapists challenge each other to come up with the most ridiculous exercises to see what they can get people to do and then compare notes with each other.  Well, it is time to do something because there is only so much Bio Freeze you can put on yourself.  If I can ever figure out how to make an appointment on their phone system, this might happen.  Have a great weekend.