Woodlawn Principal's Blog 3/27/20

Spring Break Friday is here and my days have been running into each other.  Today was different because for the first time in 3 days, I stepped out of the house.  Today was go up to Marquette and collect all of the belongings for my son.  Such is the new reality.  We are having a lot of fun in the Grana household with our games, movie nights and most recently, a Wii tournament.  Mrs. Garlick and I have been connecting with the students throughout the week and will continue to do so with our version of the daily announcements.  Here is a fun link from Mrs. Savich at Twin Groves and a resource for parents.  


Next week your teachers will be communicating with you.  Be ready to go!   


Check out this LINK with fun things to do when you are at home. A HUGE thank you goes out to Mrs. Savich for putting this information together.

Resource for Parents

Please see THIS ARTICLE for information on helping children cope with emergencies.

Finally, I have always liked to listen to comedians.  One of these nights, go old school and gather your family around your iPhone and listen to a clean commedian.  I always recommend Brian Regan and commedians like him. Very family friendly. You can talk about how your (great) grandparents gathered around the radio and listened to shows before there was television.  I would love to hear about this if you choose to do it.