Principal's Message - January 19, 2024


Upcoming Dates:
1/30- Early Release 1:30 PM Dismissal
2/16- Half Day 11:10 AM Dismissal
2/19- No School
2/27- Early Release 1:30 PM Dismissal

What’s Happening at Twin Groves?

PE: Happy New Year to Everyone!  All students who participated in our badminton unit during the last rotation did an amazing job and we were so proud to see everyone dive into a non-traditional sport with such enthusiasm.  We saw a lot of students try and enjoy a new sport!  We are now moving into our next rotation with Group B back in PE and Group C back in Health.  During this rotation, students will be participating in our floor hockey unit.  During this unit, students will self-select which league they want to participate in based on their ability and interest level in the sport.  We will offer both a Rec league and a Pro league.   Both leagues are geared towards students with different abilities and interest levels in floor hockey.  We will also continue our fitness days on Mondays (Cardio) and Thursdays (Strength), with our heart rate monitors to assess student progress.

Health: The sixth-grade students are working on first aid for this rotation.  Students are learning about choking, EDITH plans, hypothermia, burns, and much more.  In seventh grade students are learning about stress, Signs of Suicide, depression, and healthy relationships.  We will be having OMNI Youth Services located here in BG come in to work on healthy ways to deal with stress.  The eighth graders will be learning about nutrition.  Students will be creating a nutrition plan for a client along with a fitness plan.

Art: We’re busy as usual here in art.  6th grade has learned about correct body proportions and is now working on a self-portrait.  7th grade is building a clay vessel using coils and other hand-building techniques.  8th grade is learning about typography and its role in communication.  They will be painting a quote or word of their choice.  

Music: Happy New Year Everyone! Music is in full swing this time of the Trimester. In this unit, all grades have been discussing the difference between the functions of melody and harmony in music. In 6th grade, students have been playing pianos. We focused on the C major position and talked about how to independently practice and reflect upon our music. In 7th and 8th grade, students are playing guitars and have explored the different types of guitars in music. 7th grade has been playing simple chords while 8th grade has been plucking notes and playing chords while reading TABS

TASOL: Welcome to 2024! Students in TASOL are working on their sewing projects this month. Sixth graders will be completing a pillow with a design of their choice. Towards the end of the month, we will start preparing for our cooking unit and will be discussing nutrition through the MyPlate model. Seventh and Eighth-grade students finished a money management unit before Winter Break. They have started sewing by reviewing the basic sewing and safety skills. Each student has picked out and will be completing a more complex 3-D sewing project. 



Lost and Found
If your child is missing a personal item like a water bottle, jacket, bag, hat, gloves, sweatshirt, or other clothing item, please have them look on the lost and found table in the cafeteria. All items will be donated on January 26th.


SHS Fine Arts Tour- 8th Grade
Today the 8th Graders were treated to a wonderful presentation from the SHS Fine Arts Department. The Twin Groves students had a chance to see all the wonderful things SHS has to offer in the Fine Arts department.



Stevenson High School Project Lead the Way Visits 8th-Grade Science
During all 8th grade Science classes on January 22nd, the 8th graders will have an opportunity to learn more about the Stevenson Project Lead the Way from the Stevenson teachers. This will give the 8th graders the opportunity to learn more about the offerings in the areas of Engineering and Architecture and Media Arts and Technology Education.


Coming January 25: Simplifying Stevenson- Attention 8th Grade Families
Save the Date:  January 25, 2024, is the date for the next “Simplifying Stevenson,” featuring SHS’s Dr. Ted Goergen, Director of Student Activities, and current SHS students in a Q&A about the school.  (Dr. Goergen will be SHS’s Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, beginning next year.)
This is designed for parents of Twin Groves and Woodlawn 8th graders who will be SHS freshmen in fall 2024.
This event begins at 7 p.m. January 25, in the cafeteria at Twin Groves Middle School, 2600 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove

Simplifying Stevenson 2024



ACCESS Testing
The State of Illinois requires identified English Learner (EL) students to annually participate in the ACCESS testing to determine current English language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Our ACCESS testing window will occur from 1/17/24-3/5/24. Each school’s testing schedule is unique and will only impact students who take the ACCESS test. Students taking ACCESS do not need to prepare anything ahead of time.


24-25 Kindergarten Registration Open
Are you the parent of a kindergarten student or friends with someone who is? Please help us get the word out! Kindergarten registration is now open for the 24-25 school year. Families who complete registration by April 30th may attend Kindergarten Kick-Off in May at Willow Grove Early Learning Center and receive a free t-shirt while at the event! Kindergarten Kick-Off is an exciting event designed to welcome and introduce incoming kindergarten students and their parents/guardians to Willow Grove, supporting a successful transition into school and kindergarten. Please follow this link to learn about the steps to register. Fully registered families will receive additional 
information about Kindergarten Kick-Off and more in early April. 

If your child is already attending Willow Grove in the early childhood program, you will automatically receive a registration link in March for kindergarten. Please wait until you receive that link to proceed with registration. You will still want to complete the registration process by April 30th to receive your child's free t-shirt and attend Kindergarten Kick-Off.

Please note that your child must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2024 to attend kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year.



Daily Announcements
Please see the Twin Groves website for up-to-date school announcements. The announcements let you know what exciting activities and clubs are going on at Twin Groves. Please click HERE to access the Daily Announcements.


Twin Groves Athletics
Please click HERE to access the Twin Groves Athletics site.
This site will be updated frequently.