Principal's Message - September 8, 2023


Upcoming Dates:
9/19- Early Release 1:30 Dismissal
10/3- Picture Re-take Day
10/5- No School- Conferences
10/6- No School- Conferences
10/9- No School
10/24- Early Release

What’s Happening at TG?
PE: Welcome back! We are excited to see everyone again and we are off to a great start in PE! During the first 3 weeks, we have been playing in a class vs. class kickball tournament. Games have been a fun learning experience for all. We are also working on our cardiovascular endurance during our two fitness days a week. We have been utilizing the beautiful weather and getting in our cardio days outside. We are looking forward to a great year and can’t wait to see the improvements students make throughout the year.

Health: In the first rotation for health 6th graders will be diving into decision-making and how to make good decisions.  We will look at the impact of their decisions on others and how they can improve their decision-making.  Seventh graders will be investigating the health triangle and the three aspects of it.  We will first look into self-esteem and goal setting as we begin this first trimester.  Eighth graders will be looking into human sexuality this rotation.  We will be discussing the reproductive systems, contraception including abstinence, sexually transmitted infections, the “Safe Haven” law, sexting laws, and sexual harassment.

Art: We’re already off and running! Please remember not to send your student with their favorite clothing to art!  6th grade is working on 3D figures made from wire and paper mache pulp.  The 7th grade is engaged in printmaking.  They carved their drawings into a rubber plate and printed it with ink.  8th grade has learned about typography and formatting.  They are painting quotes using acrylic and tempera cakes.    

Music: Welcome back everyone! This month Music has been super exciting as we started our Bucket Drumming unit in 6-8th grade. We focused on the fundamentals of music by breaking down the difference between beat and rhythm. The students then applied that knowledge to the drum by practicing simple and complex rhythms on various parts of the bucket. 6th graders worked on playing these patterns together and performing them as an ensemble. 7th graders investigated how to accompany someone by playing the drums to the beat of a song. 8th graders focused on independence as a performer as they each played their own rhythmic patterns while different combinations were being played. Looking forward to a great year with your students! 



NWEA MAP Reports
Fall MAP Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, September 12th. 

Erin’s Law (Repeat)-
An Illinois law known as Erin’s Law requires schools to implement an age-appropriate sexual assault and abuse awareness/prevention curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Kildeer Countryside CCSD 96 researched and observed best practices and programs for delivering this instruction, selecting Be Seen & Heard ©. For more information about this presentation please go to

This developmentally appropriate and interactive program focuses on teaching children skills to keep them safe from danger or abuse. Concepts discussed will include distinguishing safe from unsafe touches, safety rules at home and school, saying NO, safe/unsafe secrets, and telling a trusted adult, as well as reinforcing that an adult’s touching him or her is not the child’s fault.

Opt-Out Procedures
The presentation to Twin Groves students will be during the school day on September 11th, 2023. If you prefer that your child does not attend this prevention education session, please submit your written request or your questions to [email protected]



Middle School Health (Repeat)
Please click HERE to access the 23-24 Health Education letter.



Dress Code
Students who are in violation of the policy and rules of the student dress code will be asked to comply with the rules by either changing to other attire that is available at school, or by having parents bring different clothes from home. In the event there is noncompliance with the above regulations, a student may receive disciplinary action.

Please note…any student violating the dress code will be asked to change into other clothes or cover-up. 

4.12-e Standards for Student Dress. Students who are appropriately and comfortably dressed are able to focus on schoolwork more effectively. The following guidelines will be enforced by building administrators. Cooperation by parents is appreciated.
1. Dress or appearance that provokes or distracts other students or otherwise causes a disruption to the educational process is prohibited.
2. Shoes must be worn at all times.
3. Clothing, jewelry, or accessories may not have writing or pictures that advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenity, violence, or gang activity.
4. Pants must be worn at the waistline.
5. Hats are allowed on designated hat days only.
6. Half shirts, cropped tops, spaghetti straps, and underwear or sleepwear worn as outerwear are not acceptable.
7. Undergarments should not be visible.
8. With the exception of appropriate jewelry, no chains should be worn.



Cell Phones
Cell phones should be securely locked in the student’s lockers from 7:43 AM-2:30 PM. 
We are asking that all students have their cell phones silenced and locked in their lockers from 7:43 AM to 2:30 PM.
If a staff member sees a cell phone out, we will ask the student to lock it in their locker. If they do not comply, the phone will be taken and sent to the office until the end of the day. Students can collect their cell phones from the office at 2:30 PM.

Please see language from the D96 Board Policy Manual:
Using or possessing an electronic paging device. Using a cellular telephone, video recording device, personal digital assistant (PDA), or other electronic device in any manner that disrupts the educational environment, or violates the privacy right of others, including using the device to take photographs in locker rooms or bathrooms, cheat, or otherwise violate student conduct rules. Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person through the use of a computer, electronic communication device, or cellular phone. Unless otherwise banned under this policy or by the Building Principal, all electronic devices must be kept powered-off or silenced and out-of-sight during the regular school day unless: (a) the supervising teacher grants permission; (b) use of the device is provided in a student’s individualized education program (IEP); (c) it is used during the student’s lunch period, or (d) it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. 


Daily Announcements
Please see the Twin Groves website for up-to-date school announcements. The announcements let you know what exciting activities and clubs are going on at Twin Groves. Please click HERE to access the Daily Announcements.


Twin Groves Athletics
Please click HERE to access the Twin Groves Athletics site.
This site will be updated frequently.