Principal's Message - August 25, 2023

Upcoming Dates:

8/28 6th Grade Curriculum Night- See below for the schedule
8/29 Early Release 1:30 PM Dismissal 
8/30 Picture Day
8/30 7th and 8th grade Curriculum Night and ILC and SLC Curriculum Night- See below for the schedule
8/30 MAP Testing
8/31 MAP Testing



Counseling Corner
Ms. Baker and Mr. Maddox, School Social Workers
Mrs. Koulentes, School Counselor
Mrs. Leverentz, School Psychologist

We are so excited to welcome our students to the Twin Groves 2023-2024 school year. It has been wonderful to see smiling faces fill our hallways to kick off the commencement of a great year. The transition from summer mode to school mode can be challenging for our students. Here are some helpful tips to make this transition a successful one.

1.    Create a routine to reduce stress during the school year. 
This will help combat the stress of change and put in a helpful structure to follow for the rest of the year.
2.    Help your student focus on the positives.
This will help your student build resilience. Ask your students when they get home what went well that day. 
3.    Communicate with your child. 
Get to know his or her fears or worries about the new school year. Ask them what they liked about the previous year, and see if you can incorporate some of those positives into the new year. Empathizing with your child is important as they navigate their stress.
4.    Develop relationships with your child’s teachers
Teachers can be the best source of information about your child’s performance and needs.
5.    Emphasize the importance of organization.
This will help your students start off on the right foot with their classes. Stress the use of an assignment notebook/homework tracking app, visual organizer, to-do lists, color-coded folders (digital/physical), etc.
6.    Encourage learning at home.
Promoting learning outside of the classroom helps children perform better in the classroom. (Ex: 10-15 minutes of reading a day)

Back-to-school Backpack safety shared by our Twin Groves OT, Mrs. DeWilde:

“According to a Boston University study, approximately 85% of university students self-report discomfort and pain associated with backpack usage. Good habits need to be set during the earlier school years.”  
Read on:


Curriculum Night- Save the Dates

6th Grade Curriculum Night: Monday, August 28th
Please meet Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Dolan in the Large Gym for a presentation at 7 PM.
HERE is the schedule for the evening.
Please bring a copy of your child’s schedule.

7th and 8th Grade Curriculum Night: Wednesday, August 30th
Please meet Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Dolan in the Large Gym for a presentation at 7 PM.
HERE is the schedule for the evening.
Please bring a copy of your child’s schedule.

ILC Curriculum Night, and SLC Curriculum Night: Wednesday, August 30th
Please meet Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Dolan in the Large Gym for a presentation at 7 PM.
HERE is the schedule for the evening.



NWEA MAP Assessment (New)
All students in grades K-8 will be participating in the NWEA MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment on Wednesday, August 30th, and Thursday, August 31st. The MAP assessment is a normed-referenced, computerized adaptive test that helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.  Like in previous years, all students will be taking the MAP test in reading and math during the school day. 


Erin’s Law (NEW)
An Illinois law known as Erin’s Law requires schools to implement an age-appropriate sexual assault and abuse awareness/prevention curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Kildeer Countryside CCSD 96 researched and observed best practices and programs for delivering this instruction, selecting Be Seen & Heard ©. For more information about this presentation please go to

This developmentally appropriate and interactive program focuses on teaching children skills to keep them safe from danger or abuse. Concepts discussed will include distinguishing safe from unsafe touches, safety rules at home and school, saying NO, safe/unsafe secrets, and telling a trusted adult, as well as reinforcing that an adult’s touching him or her is not the child’s fault.

Opt-Out Procedures
The presentation to Twin Groves students will be during the school day on September 11th, 2023. If you prefer that your child does not attend this prevention education session, please submit your written request or your questions to [email protected]



Picture Day
To view and order photos from Picture Day: You will receive an email when your images are ready to view online. Or, you can search for them at shortly after photos are taken. If you need further assistance, contact VIP at [email protected].

You will be able to view your images, order packages, and select your image for your yearbook (please remember to do so before it’s selected for you), all orders will be delivered to your home.


Tardy Procedures
The TG Staff asks that all students adhere to the schedule and do their best to arrive on time for each of their classes. It is important that they are on time for class and have the necessary supplies (including a charged iPad and a writing utensil) to accomplish all the expected class tasks. We want to maximize instructional time and having all students ready for class is a big part of their success.

Today in Flex, Twin Groves Staff rolled out the tardy procedures with the students with a presentation on expectations and processes. The tardy procedures will be monitored and tracked in each individual class. 

Each time a student arrives tardy to class unexcused, the student will scan the teacher’s individual QR code. The QR code prompts students to complete a form explaining why they are tardy. 
If students are tardy and it is excused, the students will have a school-provided pass, and they will not need to scan the QR Code.

1st and 2nd Tardy- The student will receive a warning from the teacher, reiterating expectations for arriving to class on time.
3rd Tardy- The student will be given a formal warning from the teacher and an email will be sent home to parents. 
4th Tardy- The student will have a private conversation with the teacher to identify the reason for the repeated tardies. The teacher will send a 2nd email home to parents. The administration will be notified, and the student will serve lunch detention. During the lunch detention, the student will complete a Tardy Reflection Sheet.  
5th Tardy- The student will meet with the teacher to complete a Tardy Intervention Plan. After a plan is developed, the teacher will meet with the necessary stakeholders to finalize the plan. A 3rd email will also be sent home with the details of the plan.
Tardies beyond the 5th- The teacher and the student will revisit the Tardy Intervention Plan. Parents and administration will be notified, and a parent meeting may be requested. Individualized plans and next steps will be taken as necessary.


Middle School Health 
Please click HERE to access the 23-24 Health Education letter.


Law Enforcement Safety Drill EDUCATION
On Friday, September 1st, Twin Groves will be conducting the annual Law Enforcement Safety Drill EDUCATION. Students will be learning age-appropriate safety procedures.

In compliance with the Safety Drill Act, parents have the right to exempt their child from the Law Enforcement Drill EDUCATION with their school peers. 
If you do not wish your child to participate in the Law Enforcement Safety Drill Education with the other peers, please contact Jessica Barnes at [email protected].  The administration will arrange for an alternative review of safety procedures with your child. 
If we do not hear from you, we will assume your child has permission to participate in the education.

The actual safety drill will not be for a few weeks. I will communicate the date of the drill in an upcoming Principal’s Message.


Sports Physicals- Please Read
Any 6th, 7th, or 8th Grade student interested in Cross Country, Girl's Basketball, or Soccer must have a current Sports Physical to participate. There will be no exceptions.  Now is a great time for families to check and get everything in order. 

If you have any questions about your child’s current Sports Physical, please contact Cindy Borzych at [email protected].


Dress Code
This is a friendly reminder of the District 96 Standards of Dress from the Parent/Student Handbook.
4.12-e Standards for Student Dress. Students who are appropriately and comfortably dressed are able to focus on schoolwork more effectively. The following guidelines will be enforced by building administrators. Cooperation by parents is appreciated.
1. Dress or appearance that provokes or distracts other students or otherwise causes a disruption to the educational process is prohibited.
2. Shoes must be worn at all times.
3. Clothing, jewelry, or accessories may not have writing or pictures that advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenity, violence, or gang activity.
4. Pants must be worn at the waistline.
5. Hats are allowed on designated hat days only.
6. Half shirts, cropped tops, spaghetti straps, and underwear or sleepwear worn as outerwear are not acceptable.
7. Undergarments should not be visible.
8. With the exception of appropriate jewelry, no chains should be worn.

Students who are in violation of the policy and rules of student dress code will be asked to comply with the rules by either changing to other attire that is available at school, or by having parents bring different clothes from home. In the event there is noncompliance with the above regulations, a student may receive disciplinary action.

Please note…any student violating the dress code will be asked to change into other clothes or cover up. 


Cell Phones
Cell phones should be securely locked in the student’s lockers from 7:43 AM-2:30 PM. 
We are asking that all students have their cell phones silenced and locked in their lockers from 7:43 AM to 2:30 PM.
If a staff member sees a cell phone out, we will ask the student to lock it in their locker. If they do not comply, the phone will be taken and sent to the office until the end of the day. Students can collect their cell phones from the office at 2:30 PM.

Please see language from the D96 Board Policy Manual:
Using or possessing an electronic paging device. Using a cellular telephone, video recording device, personal digital assistant (PDA), or other electronic device in any manner that disrupts the educational environment, or violates the privacy right of others, including using the device to take photographs in locker rooms or bathrooms, cheat, or otherwise violate student conduct rules. Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person through the use of a computer, electronic communication device, or cellular phone. Unless otherwise banned under this policy or by the Building Principal, all electronic devices must be kept powered-off or silenced and out-of-sight during the regular school day unless: (a) the supervising teacher grants permission; (b) use of the device is provided in a student’s individualized education program (IEP); (c) it is used during the student’s lunch period, or (d) it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. 


Daily Announcements
Please see the Twin Groves website for up-to-date school announcements. The announcements let you know what exciting activities and clubs are going on at Twin Groves. Please click HERE to access the Daily Announcements.


Twin Groves Athletics
Please click HERE to access the Twin Groves Athletics site.
This site will be updated frequently.