Principal's Message 12.9.22

Principal's Message 12.9.22

Dear Families,

Prairie had another great week of learning here!  Students participated in MAP testing early this week as well as our fluency screenings.  Our teachers will use this data to celebrate student progress and target learning areas in the coming weeks.

As a reminder, we appreciate everyone calling or emailing the office if your child(ren) is not in attendance.  If you know if advance there will be an absence, please email the classroom teacher and Mrs. Glassgow at [email protected]


Christine Pfaff - Principal

NEW *Upcoming Dates*

  • Tuesday, December 13th - Early Release Day
  • Friday, December 23rd - No School, 1st Day of Winter Break

NEW *Positively Prairie Leadership Council News ~ School Supply and Book Drive*

This year PPLC is having a school supply and book collection for a school in Honduras. We will be collecting new school supplies and books from December 5th through December 16th. The books can be written in English or in Spanish. Boxes for the donations will be by the front office.  

Thank you so much for your generosity!

PPLC Student Leaders and Mrs. Muehling & Ms. Heuer - Staff Sponsors

NEW *News from the Library*

Let’s help our students learn to love reading! The American Library Association found that: 

  • Students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not
  • The more elementary-aged students read outside of school, the higher they scored on reading achievement tests
  • Multiple studies support that even a small amount of independent reading increases primary and elementary students’ reading comprehension, vocabulary growth, spelling facility, understanding of grammar, and knowledge of the world

All Prairie Students have access to an online library called Sora. We purchase books in digital format for our students to check out and read. Children have been introduced to this app on their iPad. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact Mrs. Spivack for further instructions. It is a great resource for all our students.

REPEAT *Winter Classroom Parties ~ Volunteers Needed*

The Winter classroom party will be held on Thursday, December 22nd from 2:00 - 2:45 pm.  We have LOTS of open slots for party volunteers.  Please head over to Membership Toolkit to sign up.  If the two spots are filled please put your name on the waitlist so we can contact you if a spot opens up.  Thank you for your willingness to volunteer to make the classroom parties fun for our kids.

REPEAT *Recess During the Winter*

For students to play in the snow, they must have snow pants, boots, gloves, and a jacket.  This applies to both the field and the playground area. This ensures that their clothes, hands, and feet are dry for lunch and the remainder of the afternoon.  Students who do not have snow pants and boots can still play on the blacktop area.