A Language Arts
- Harcourt Reading
- Reading by MAP Scores
- Spelling City
- Word Game
- Word Game
- Word Sort
- Word Builder
- Spelling Match
- Synonym Toast
- Clean Up Grammar
- Fish 'Em Up
- Spelling Bee-3rd Grade
- Poetry Machine
- Homographs
- Idioms
- Fables
- Aesop's Fables
- Context Clues
- New words
- Missing Words
- Context Words
- Sentence Structure
- Prefix & Suffix
- End Words
- Homophones
- Verb Tenses
- Verb Viper
- Plurals
- * Plural Girls
- Irregular Plurals 1
- Irregular Plurals 2
- Writing
- My Story Maker
- * Math Practice
- Typing Games
- Dance Mat Typing
- Bubbles Typing
- KeyMan Typing
- Super Hyper Spider Typer
- Baracuda Typing
- Sky Words
- Space Bar Invaders
- Save the Sailboat
- Frogs Off Their Diet
- Typing Ghosts
- Trick or Type
- Typing Adventure
- Typing Tidepool
B Social Studies
- Building a Sod House
- Go West Thomas Jefferson
- Discovering Lewis & Clark
- * Go West Lewis & Clark
- Illinois
- Chicago Games
- * Wild Illinois History
- Chicago Fire
- * Constructing Illinois
- Geography
- Continents
- Continent quiz
- Name the Continents
- Continent Match
- Map skills
- Map Skills
- Read a Road Map
- Read a Population Map
- Land Use
- More...
- American Sign Language
C Science
- Solar System Explorer
- Space Craft Game
- Lunar Outpost
- Tails of Wonder
- * Stargazers
- Phases of the Moon
- Impact Earth
- Planet Gravity
- Explore the Solar System
- Gravity Launch
- Planet Comparison
- Planet Sudoko
- Word Games
- Space Wanderer
- Phases of the Moon
- Simple Machines
- * Simple Machine Basics
- Force & Lever
- Forces & Movement
- Forces in Action
- Playground (Force)
- Medieval Levers
- All
- Build a Rube Goldberg Machine
- More Simple Machines
- Simple Machines
- Simple Machines 2
- The Odd Machine
- Mechanical Madness
- Plants
- Life Cycles
- Life Cycles 2
- Plants
- Root Factory
- Animal Adaptations
- Animal Needs
- Virtual Owl Pellets
- * The Great Plant Escape
- Growing Plants
- Plant Games
- Watch it Grow
- Plant Life Cycles
- Life Cycle of Plants
- A Touch of Class
- Photosynthesis
- Parts of a Plant
- Watch it Grow
- * Plant Parts
- Plant Parts 2
- Plant Parts 3
- Plant Parts 4
- Earth Day
- Earth Day Activities
D Math
- Unit 1-Review
- Math Fact Review
- Math by MAP Scores
- Function Machine
- Story Problems
- Thinking Math Addition
- Problem Solving
- Grand Slam Math
- Word Problems
- Math Hoops
- * Trimathlon + -
- * Speed Math + -÷
- Unit 3-Measure
- * Measure It(Inches & cm)
- Length Strength
- Estimate & Measure
- Builder Jack
- Teaching Measurement
- Area & Perimeter
- Area & Perimeter
- Number Voyage
- Shaper Surveyor
- Perimeter Explorer
- Area Explorer
- Tile the Floor
- Voyage Area
- Voyage Perimeter
- Diameter & Circumference
- Diameter and Radius
- Unit 4- Multiplication
- Multiplication.com
- Thinking Blocks Multiplication
- Sum Sense Multiplication
- Save the Apples
- Tables Tester
- Number of Chairs
- Math's Magician
- Balloon Invaders
- Math Magician
- * Baseball Math
- Snowball Fight
- Car Wash
- Tony's Tires
- Scrambled X by 2s
- Scrambled X by 3s
- Scrambled X by 4s
- Scrambled X by 5s
- Scrambled X by 6s
- Scrambled X by 7s
- Scrambled X by 8s
- Scrambled X by 9s
- Scrambled X by 10s
- Time
- Elapsed Time
- Unit 5-Place Value
- * Place Value
- * Place Value
- Robo Place Value
- Place Value Pirates
- Computation Castle
- * Decimal Lessons
- Decimal Rainstorm
- Wash Line Decimals
- Unit 6-Geometry
- * Geometry Vocabulary
- Triangle Properties
- Matching Shapes
- Shape Match
- Matching Shapes
- Polygons
- Rotate, Reflect, Translate
- Bathroom Tiles
- Icy Flips & Turns
- Robo Packer
- Unit 7-Division
- Division Machine
- Maths Division
- Math Magician
- * Baseball Math
- Fruit Shoot
- Croc Division
- Matching Division
- Mahjong Division
- Division Station
- Estimation
- * Estimation Contraption
- Estimation
- Robo Estimation
- Robo Subtraction
- Unit 8-Fractions
- Matching Fractions 1
- Matching Fractions 3
- Comparing Fractions 4
- Looking at 1/2
- Fraction Pizza
- Frost Fractions
- Matching Mixed Fractions