Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ December 3, 2022

Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ December 3, 2022

Dear Families,

We recognized some students this week as we do each month for their exceptional show of Bears that Care behaviors. Students saw Buddy the Bear and received their special warm fuzzy that can be attached to their backpacks. We are so proud of all of our students for the great work they've been doing! 

We enjoyed another Buddy Classroom activity this week. Early childhood and kindergarten buddies got together to learn about our December theme, listening. Children listened to step-by-step instructions to paint a snowman and enjoyed their time together!

Next week, we have MAP testing. See full details below. Results from the MAP test are used by teachers to make instructional decisions for your child. Ensuring good sleep and a healthy breakfast, as always, is helpful for children to show their best learning.


Jenny Smith, Principal

Buddy Classroom

Buddy Classroom 

Buddy Classroom

Buddy Classroom

Coming to get warm fuzzies

Look what I got! Student with warm fuzzy.

*December Dates to Know*

THIS THURSDAY, December 8 - Willow Grove Window to the World Cultural Fair - 6-7:30 PM - See details about this evening coming up below in repeat information!


12/22 – Last day of school before Winter Break begins. SCHOOL CLOSED for Winter Break Dec. 23–Jan. 6

NEW *Report Cards*

Trimester 1 report cards will be available online after 3 PM on Friday 11/18 for students in Early Childhood through 8th Grade.

See instructions to access the report cards online CLICK HERE.  

Please contact the SCHOOL OFFICE with questions.

NEW *MAP Testing - Kindergarten Only*

The MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment will be administered in all District 96 schools in grades K-8 on Monday 12/5 and Tuesday 12/6.  If students are absent for testing, and the makeup window is still open, students will be able to make up the test.  If the window is closed they will not be able to make up the test.

NEW *PTO News*


Our winter parties are scheduled for December 22nd!  The parties are scheduled for 10:00am-10:45am for all kindergarten classes and all AM sections of our blended and structured classes.  Parties will be held from 2:00pm-2:45pm for all PM sections of our blended and structured classes.  We still need volunteers for several classrooms.  If you are available to help during your student's holiday party and didn't get a chance to signup on Membership Toolkit earlier this year, please reach out to us at:

[email protected]


Remember to check the Willow Grove PTO online at the links below for the latest PTO news and events.

Willow Grove PTO Page

Willow Grove PTO Blog 

Willow Grove PTO Membership Toolkit 

REPEAT *Willow Grove ~ Window to the World Cultural Fair Update*

We have great news! Based on the number of volunteers, we are able to proceed with planning for our Window to the World Cultural Fair. Thank you to those of you who volunteered! We will share information shortly via email that will guide and support you to prepare for the evening. 

This is a reminder to all to save the date of December 8th from 6-7:30 PM. This will be a night to remember. Families are encouraged to wear clothing that represents their culture. For some this may mean special, customary garments, while for others it means dressing up to make it a special night. This isn't required. It just adds to the fun. Any attire is welcome!


For students to play in the snow, they must have snow pants, boots, gloves and jacket. This applies to both the field and the playground area. This ensures that their clothes, hands and feet are dry for lunch and the remainder of the afternoon.  Students who do not have snow pants and boots can still play on the blacktop area. If you would like, your child can keep an extra set of snow gear at Willow Grove to avoid the back-and-forth between home and school. Have kids bring it to Willow Grove in a tote to leave in their cubby.