Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ September 24, 2021

Dear Willow Grove Families,

Thank you to our PTO for bringing kindergarten students Dessert Day during their lunch! I was able to join a group today and was so impressed by the organization our PTO put into the event and was able to see so many smiles as students enjoyed their ice cream. What a special treat for our students to enjoy!

Students did an excellent job during our fire drill this week! Students and staff followed the expected procedures beautifully. Everyone exited the building and was accounted for in record time! Great job! 

As a reminder, next week we have an Early Release on Tuesday and Half-Day on Friday. We also have Picture Day on Thursday.

Early Release, Tuesday, Sept 28: • Full-Day KDG & Grds. 1–5 dismiss @ 2 p.m. • Structured: 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. • Blended AM: 8:30–10 a.m. • Blended PM: 12:30–2 p.m.

Half-Day - School Improvement, Friday, Oct 1: Only Blended PM attend (8:30–11 a.m.). ALL KDG & Structured dismiss @ 11:45 a.m

Picture Day Details, Thursday, Sept 30: Picture Day is Thursday, September 30, 2021.  CLICK HERE and use our school code (School Code: 10023701) for ordering information. Students also brought home a flyer this week.

NEW *Volunteers & Vaccination Verification or Proof of a Negative Test

As you may or may not know, Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker held a COVID-19 press conference on August 26, 2021, where he issued new rules regarding indoor masking, and signed an Executive Order 2021-20, regarding educational employee vaccination and testing requirements. In the Executive Order which applies to all “school personnel,” volunteers are included in the definition unless they are present for only a short period of time and whose movements of close physical proximity are “fleeting”.   

Those who have been identified as a current or upcoming PTO volunteer recently received a survey asking that you provide proof of vaccination and notifying them that if unvaccinated they would need to provide proof of a negative Covid test within 48 hours of reporting to volunteer. 

 If you have already uploaded proof of vaccination, please disregard this information.

How do I provide proof of vaccination proactively should I choose to volunteer at my student(s) school this year?

By following this link, you may provide proof of vaccination to your school(s).  

What if I am unvaccinated but want to volunteer this year?

Unvaccinated volunteers must provide proof of a negative Covid test when you arrive at the school on the day you are scheduled to volunteer.  Negative test results are only good for the 48 hours prior to arrival.  For example, if an unvaccinated volunteer is scheduled to be in the school the next week, they would have to provide a new test result.

What type of Covid test qualifies?

You may present a negative antigen or PCR test.  Home testing kits do not qualify as the test must be observed and documentation of the result provided to you.

Why can’t unvaccinated volunteers take a Covid test at the school?

The BinaxNow test provided to schools is in short supply at this time.  As a result, schools have been notified that we cannot use the test for any screening purposes.  If we were to do so, they would no longer supply the test to us.  We are only allowed to use the test for symptomatic individuals on campus (students or staff) or when a person qualifies for test-to-stay.  If and when test supplies increase, those restrictions may be lifted.  If they are, we will be in a position to reconsider testing unvaccinated volunteers in our schools at that time.

What is the process for volunteers to either provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test?

  • Vaccinated volunteers may submit their proof of vaccination at any time by following the link provided and completing the survey and uploading proof of vaccination.  
  • The list of those who have done so will be made available to the school (principal, assistant principal, administrative assistant, and nurse) and updated periodically by Lubna Andrabi in our district office.
  • Unvaccinated volunteers must bring proof of a negative test to the main office on the day they are scheduled to volunteer.  
  • The main office will make a copy of your negative test.
  • The test result must be within the previous 48 hours.  The staff at the front desk in the main office will assist you.

What if I am fully vaccinated but forgot to upload my proof of vaccination?

If you have not uploaded your vaccination card, you may provide proof of vaccination when you arrive (vaccination card).  We strongly encourage you to upload your card so that you do not need to present it each time you report to volunteer.

NEW *Cold Weather & Recess*

It’s hard to believe but it started to get a bit chilly this week! This is a friendly reminder to dress your children to go outside.  We go outside nearly every day.  We have indoor recess only in extreme cases (0-10 degrees; wind chill is considered).  Once we get enough snow to play in, children must be dressed properly to go into the snow.  This includes a coat, hat, snow pants, boots, and mittens/gloves.  If they have not dressed in the required snow garments, there is a large, plowed blacktop playspace for kids to play on.  My best parent advice...LABEL EVERYTHING with your child's name.  Our Lost & Found explodes with items in the winter, and if your child's name is on something, those items make their way back to your child much easier.

NEW *PTO News & Updates*

There is a lot happening...don't miss out!

- Thank you for participating in our first monthly Dessert Day...there was definitely some extra excitement in the cafeteria this Friday as everyone received either a treat or a sticker! If you missed the first ordering deadline, no worries! We'll be opening orders after each Dessert Day with a prorated price. Deadlines to participate will be the Wed. prior to each Dessert Day. So, go to your MTK account and join when you'd like to!

- Please join us at the Arlington Heights Portillos on Wed, Sept. 29th from 5-8 PM. Mention "Willow Grove Fundraiser" when you order, and 20% of your order goes back to our school! Proceeds help us to provide such things as a cultural day assembly, books for the classrooms, and other teacher and school wishlist items that help further our children's education as well as social-emotional development.

- Also on MTK this week, you'll find the "October Conference Meal DONATION" form. Select your teacher to donate an honorary meal during our Fall Family/Educator Conferences on Oct. 7th!

More details about this and more in our BLOG! Thank you!

Repeat *Thought Exchange Partnership*

The District 96 Thought Exchange Partnership (TEP) offers parents opportunities to give feedback and receive information about District instruction, programs, and initiatives. Understanding parent perceptions is helpful for planning and communicating. Contact District 96 Community Parent Liaison Lubna Andrabi, 847.459.4260, ext. 8136, with questions. In particular, the District invites parents who have students enrolled at Willow Grove Early Learning Center to consider joining the Thought Exchange Partnership. The first meeting is scheduled for October 21, 2021, from 7:00-8:30 via Zoom. 

Repeat * Erin's Law*

An Illinois law known as Erin’s Law requires schools to implement an age-appropriate sexual assault and abuse awareness/prevention curriculum for Early Childhood through Grade 12.

Kildeer Countryside CCSD 96 researched and observed best practices and programs for delivering this instruction, selecting Victor Pacini to present Be Seen & Heard ©.

The focus of this developmentally appropriate and interactive program is to teach children skills to keep them safe from danger or abuse. Concepts discussed will include distinguishing safe from unsafe touches, safety rules at home and school, saying NO, safe/unsafe secrets, and telling a trusted adult, as well as reinforcing that an adult’s touching him or her is not the child’s fault. For more information about this presentation please CLICK HERE.

The presentation to students will be during the school day on September 30.

Early Childhood Blended & Structured Learning Note:  Students in the Blended and Structured early childhood program do not attend the Victor Pacini presentation.  Our school social workers push into those settings to provide a presentation for our youngest children. If you would like further information about the content, please contact Beatrice Chen for Blended or Katie Casey for structured.  

If you prefer that your child does not attend this prevention education session (Early Childhood or Kindergarten), please submit your written request or your questions to me at [email protected].

Repeat *Family Educator Conferences*

The conference dates are Thursday, October 7th from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM and Friday, October 8th from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

We will be using Meet the Teacher as an electronic sign-up for conferences. A School Messenger email will be sent to families on Monday, September 20th at 6:00 PM with a link to sign up for conferences.

Conferences will be held over zoom unless parents request an in-person conference using the instructions below. A document with all the staff zoom links will be sent out on Wednesday, October 6th at 2PM. 


After selecting the teachers you wish to meet with and choosing a time for each conference, Meet the Teacher will prompt you to save the appointment and ask if you want to add a message for the teacher. If you want to have an in-person conference with the teachers, you must notify the teachers via this messaging feature (see picture below).

Parents will have the option to sign up with the classroom teacher as well as specials teachers and any related service providers their children see.

Repeat *Willow Walk - October 6*

On October 6, we'll be having our third annual "Willow Walk."  Due to the age of our students (early childhood and kindergarten only), this is a reasonable walk designed just for them!  The walk will promote positive school unity and give us all a brief activity to enjoy as a school family.  This is not a 5k-like event.  This is much shorter given the age of our students.  

Please be sure to dress your children for walking in mind and for the weather.  We will go out if it is cold.  If it is rainy, we will try to schedule a rain date.  Let's cross our fingers for a beautiful day!  

Children will be provided with water after the walk (thank you, PTO!).  

Parents may view the walk from the designated viewing area.  The viewing area is on our front sidewalk/grassy area surrounding the flagpole, along Checker Dr.  Do not stand on the circle drive or walk onto our campus during the walk.  We must maintain a safe and orderly environment for all children.  The walk begins at about 9:30 and kids will circle past the viewing area one time for you to cheer them on!

A Special Note for Parents of PM Blended Early Childhood Students

As we want this to be an opportunity for all of our students, you are welcome to bring your child to attend.  Please bring your child to the Willow Grove office at 9:30 a.m. where they will meet their teacher to participate in the walk.  You may view the walk from our designated viewing area (grass near the flagpole) and come to the main office after the event to collect your child.  If you would like to bring your child to the walk, please email his/her teacher to let them know, so they know who to expect and can pick them up in the office.  

REPEATING *Covid Metrics*

To stay up-to-date this school year on local metrics, please visit the COVID DASHBOARD for District 96. Our priority remains to keep our students safe and follow guidance from the CDC. If your student is identified as a "close contact", you will be notified individually through the contact tracing process.