Previous Parent Network Presentations

Ever had a job where you had no previous experience, no training, you couldn't quit, and peoples' lives were at stake? That's parenting.
--Author unknown

Topics addressed by the District 96 Parent-to-Parent Network:

  • Effective Discipline: Lead Your Kids to Better Outcomes
  • No More Cookie-Cutter Parenting: Understanding Personality and Character
  • The 10 Top Mistakes Good Parents Make
  • Raising Ethical Kids in a Competitive World
  • The Significance of the Pause: Teaching Your Child to Think Before Acting
  • Emotional Intelligence: Teaching Empathy and Compassion
  • Stress and Achievement: How Much Is Enough?
  • Recognizing Bullying and Preparing Your Child to Cope
  • Body Image: Media and Family Influences
  • Rescuing the Family Dinner
  • Piggy Banking: Teaching Children About Spending, Saving, and Giving
  • What Really Is Healthy Self-Esteem?
  • Kindergarten 101 for parents
  • Transitioning to Middle School: A Guide for Parents of 5th Graders
  • Simplifying Stevenson: How High School Students Choose Their Classes, Juggle Extra Curriculars, and Manage Their Workload