Grade 6 Middle School Orchestra Festival
In February 2020, KCSD96 Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle School musicians participated in the District's first 6th-grade Orchestra Festival. Students received sectional instruction, then performed by school and as a group directed by Stevenson High School Associate Director of Orchestra Anthony Krempa.
KCSD96 thanks Carrie Anselmo (Dist. 109), Paul Jenkin (Dist. 102), Amy Biasello (Dist. 109), Elizabeth Jordan (Dist. 15), Kelsey Buffa (Dist. 103), and Anthony Krempa (SHS) for their expert support in this outstanding learning opportunity for KCSD96 orchestra students.
See Grade 6 Orchestra Festival PHOTOS
Register for 2023–24:
• Middle School Orchestra (grades 6, 7, 8) @ Twin Groves
• Middle School Orchestra (grades 6, 7, 8) @ Woodlawn
The 6th-grade Orchestra is a continuation of the previous two years of orchestra. In 6th grade, we pick up the tempo and work primarily on multiple part music and even shifting during the second half of the year. Our rehearsals focus on ensemble playing and learning how to perform as a orchestra. With games and listening exercises, we develop listening and ensemble skills. The 6th grade orchestra performs three concerts during the school year, as well as participate in IMEA and IGSMA events. Finally, we visit the Elgin Symphony Orchestra to hear a youth concert.
If you did not join orchestra in 4th or 5th grade, but are interested, please contact Ms. Anderson (Twin Groves) or Ms. Wronkiewicz (Woodlawn) to see if we can work you into the orchestra.
The 7th- and 8th-grade Orchestra is the highest ensemble. We perform three regular concerts throughout the school year as well as concerts with Stevenson High and a tour of the elementary schools. We perform various styles of literature, including full orchestra music with members of the Twin Groves and Woodlawn Band.