Happy November!
From the Kildeer PTO…
Can you believe October has flown by, and we are now heading straight into winter soon?
We had an amazing October with our first in-person party celebrated on Oct. 29! It was so wonderful seeing the students dressed up and enjoying the parties throughout the hallways. Thank you so much to the volunteers who stepped up, the room parents who helped organize and, of course, our very own Kildeer staff for helping keep everything running smoothly and jumping in where we needed help. Thank you!
Coat Drive Ends November 12
You have been so generous in donating so many new, unused, coats, scarfs, hats and gloves for our yearly coat drive! All donations are being sent to Shelter Inc., located in Schaumburg. We will be picking up and sending all donations over after Nov. 12, so please be sure to turn in your donations - you can find the two large donation boxes inside the main entrance of the school. Thank you so much for your donations!
Toy Drive Starts Soon
We want to be able to give back to our community as much as we can. Our annual Toy Drive will start soon. We are looking for unwrapped, new toys to donate to a local charity. Please be on the lookout for updates on when and where to bring in these donations.
Ladies Night Out Shopping Edition!
The PTO is setting up a ladies night out, shopping edition. This is a wonderful way to shop and part of your purchase will go directly to help support the PTO’s funding. It’s also a wonderful way to meet other parents and take a night off to celebrate YOU! It’s a win-win. Make sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram for updates on the date and time! We can’t wait to see you there!