Kildeer Principal's Message- March 17th

Student-led conferences

Dear Kildeer Families,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our student-led Family Educator Conferences this week.  Students did a great job reflecting on their learning and growth, and we are so proud of the ownership they have taken in their learning this year. I also know for a fact how much they appreciate having their family sitting side-by-side with your undivided attention. Overall, it gave our staff the warm fuzzies and we hope it did the same for you!

We also need to thank the PTO for the delicious meal. We had a realization as our staff joined for dinner that two years ago exactly is when we canceled conferences last minute and the school shut down for "two weeks". I am personally grateful for just how far we've come since that day two years ago.

Don't forget we have a lot of great learning ahead, and we look forward to the continued partnership as we head into the end of the 2021-2022 school year.  Be safe and well, and enjoy the time to relax and rejuvenate.

NEW *Spring Break 2022*

Friday, 3/18 through Friday, 3/25 students will not be in attendance.  We hope everyone has an enjoyable Spring Break, and we look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday, 3/28.

Repeat *Feedback wanted for I AM ME...WE ARE KILDEER family celebration*

Thank you for those families that attended our family celebration last week. Your presence made it a powerful evening to learn from and about each other.

Your voice and feedback matter! If you had the opportunity to attend, please consider sharing your thoughts HERE! We can't wait to see where WE go next!

Repeat *D96 Community Relief Efforts*

Please read Mrs. Julie Schmidt’s March 9 Superintendent’s Message regarding community relief efforts.

Repeat *Talking to Students about Events in Ukraine *

As indicated in Mrs. Schmidt’s Superintendent’s message, staff has received resources regarding how to support conversations with students who express personal and more global concerns and fears.  We will continue to provide the most up-to-date resources to them. Below you will find resources for parents on how to support your student at home. 

Many of our students need the guidance and safety of adults in their homes to navigate their own emotions and trauma in a healthy, safe, and productive way. A few reminders when speaking with your student: 

  • News like this can be scary to children if not handled in the right way. Support and conversations will look and sound different with different age groups.
  • Remain calm
  • Affirm that it is okay to feel upset 
  • Stick to facts from vetted sources
  • Keep explanations developmentally appropriate
  • Model coping strategies
  • Keep open lines of communication between school and home 

Each of the attached resources provides tips for families and educators, and some include what we can do as adults and how you can respond to students. 


How to Talk to Kids About Violence Crime and War: Common Sense Media gathers tips and conversation starters to help you talk to kids of different ages about the toughest topics. 

Talking to Your Kids About War: VeryWell Family explores ways families can speak with young people about war, including tips on sharing information and restricting media coverage. 

Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of elementary school children: This article from the American Psychological Association can help adults guide their young children beyond fear and to resilience.

Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of middle school children: The American Psychological Association breaks out tips and strategies for parents and teachers of middle school-aged children.

The following resources are from the National Association of School Psychologists:

War and Terrorism: Tips for Supporting Children at Home and School  

Helping Children Cope with Terrorism: Tips for Families and Educators: Tips and reminders in an easy to read chart  

Helping Children Cope with Terrorism: Tips for Families and Educators: Fifteen tips for adults in supporting children

Repeat  *Dual Language Opportunity for 22-23 Kindergarteners*

Do you have an entering kindergartener or know a D96 resident that does?  Are you interested in your child having a bilingual school experience?  

See the District website to learn more ( about the District's optional Spanish/English Dual Language program.

The Dual Language Program was designed several years ago to implement instruction across the curriculum that provides an opportunity for students to develop a deep academic proficiency in two languages.  In the district’s Dual Language program, 50 percent of the academic day curriculum is delivered in Spanish and 50 percent of the academic day is delivered in English.

Parents interested in enrolling their entering kindergarten student(s) in the Dual Language Program are asked to fill out the Lottery Form at by 3 p.m. April 15.

Repeat *Parent Input for 2022-2023 Class Placement Survey*

Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a tremendously difficult job that takes many hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators, and specialists. We at Kildeer School take this process very seriously. The process for class list creation is as follows:

-Teachers think about the social and academic needs of each of their current students while recording pertinent information to assist in the decision-making process.

-Grade level teachers, the principal, specials area teachers, and specialists meet together to form class lists that are balanced in terms of academic, social, and emotional needs as well as considering friendships. This is no easy task and often takes several meetings. This team of educators considers each child’s personality, academic needs, friendship patterns, etc. as they make a match for each individual child.

-This team of educators creates a draft set of class lists taking into consideration parent input.  

-Class lists are then revised in August with summer changes for students who move in or out of the district.

-Class rosters are never final until they are released to families in August.

This process happens at grades 2-5. Willow Grove creates the class lists for our incoming 1st graders.  Our 5th-grade team provides data to Woodlawn related to placement decisions at the middle school level.

We strongly believe that this detailed and collaborative process creates learning environments that benefit all students. It is a delicate balancing act that takes much consideration and thought by professionals who know and care about your children. Our goal is to create balanced class lists that promote the success of each child. Please know that your child is placed in a classroom for very specific reasons. The process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, specialists, parents, and the principal, we are very reluctant to make changes once this process occurs, as removing or moving one child can disrupt the balance of an entire class, impacting all students.

We welcome any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs, and learning style. We will take into consideration pertinent information received on or before FRIDAY, APRIL 29th. Please remember, while we welcome your input, specific teacher requests will not be honored.

If you'd like to share your input, please take the following survey: Kildeer Class Placement Survey for 22-23.  

Repeat *Proof of Dental Exam

Dear Parents/Guardians of District 96 Kindergarteners, 2nd, and 6th Grade Students:

Please note that your child’s completed dental examination is now due, per Illinois school law. The deadline for the dental examination is due no later than May 15 of the current school year.  Proof of this required dental examination must have been completed within eighteen months prior to the May 15 deadline.

If you haven’t already done so, please make an appointment with your child’s dentist for a dental examination, have him and/or her complete the required form and return it to your child’s school nurse. 

State of Illinois Proof of Dental Examination Form

In the event that you are unable to fulfill this requirement, the state of Illinois does permit a waiver of the examination.

State of Illinois Dental Waiver Form

Dental examination forms, as well as dental waiver forms, can be downloaded from the District’s website.  

Thank you for your prompt cooperation. 

Repeat *Reproving Residency for Kindergartners and 5th graders*

In KCSD 96, each year, parents of current Kindergartners and 5th graders are required to reprove their district residency.

To re-prove residency, parents are asked to provide three items to the Administrative Assistants at their child’s current school:

  • a current monthly mortgage OR lease statement OR property tax bill OR Warranty Deed AND
  • a current utility bill (e.g., water OR electric OR waste collection) AND
  • This Proof of Residency Form (completed and signed)

For the email address for your school’s Administrative Assistant, and to learn information for other questions, please visit


Registration now open for the 2022-23 school year

Registration is now open for the 2022-23 school year.  This week, parents and guardians of returning students and pre-registered Kindergartners were emailed Notification letters with a SnapCode to start their registration process.

Register today to avoid the $20 late fee (per child) to be charged on registrations completed after April 15.

If you have questions about the 2022-23 Registration Notification email, please email [email protected] or call 847-459-4260, ext. 8022.

For information on registering a new student, visit

Repeat *MARCH Vernon Area Public Library Book Talks*

For more book talk recommendations, please visit our Book Talks Help Guide at For graphic novel suggestions, please visit our J Graphic Novel Help Guide at novels or our Junior High Graphic Novel Help Guide at graphic novels. 

*Tech Hub*

KCSD96 Family Technology Hub! The District 96 Family Technology Hub is designed to guide families through technology tools. 

Please email [email protected] with any tech-related support needed.

*Student Council News*

***  PTO News ***

  • Thank you to all of the families for coming out to Bingo Blast. The night was a HUGE success! 

Check out the blog

Let's end this blog with a picture that brings me absolute joy. Our 1st graders had a visit from CJ for winning the color wars from student council! Way to go 1st graders!

Wishing you a wonderful spring break ahead! I will be wearing my mom hat full time this next week and I'm going to enjoy every drop! 


Mrs. Vail Kieser
