E-NEWS 96, May 8, 2020

Tues., May 12 
Board of Education Virtual Meeting, 7 p.m.  AGENDA
Virtual Meeting Link
- 7 p.m.

Thurs., May 14
Thought Exchange Partnership Virtual Meeting, 7 p.m.

Fri., May 15
2020–21 Kindergarten Dual Language Interest Forms due

• Priority Item: Register for the 2020–21 School Year
It's essential that new and returning students be registered as soon as possible. Why? An accurate enrollment count is important for anticipating staffing needs and controlling class sizes. If you have not yet registered your new or returning District 96 student for the 2020–21 school year, please do it today. Please tell District 96 neighbors and friends of the need to register promptly. See options for delaying/waiving registration fee payment HERE. Questions? Contact the KCSD96 public info coordinator.

• Need Help Buying Food for Your School-Age Children?
Apply for P-EBT SNAP Benefits– a special benefit that can help you buy food for your school-age children 3 to 17 years old and 18 to 22 years old (in high school), who would receive National School Lunch Program free or reduced-price meals when schools are in session. 

• Kindergarten 2020–21 Dual Language Opportunity
Dual Language Interest Forms are due from interested parents of 2020-21 incoming kindergartners by 3 PM on May 15.

The Dual Language Program Public Lottery will be at 6 PM on May 27.

This Dual Language Parent Screencast VIDEO (17 minutes) presented by KCSD96 Director of Language and Early Literacy Kathryn Sheridan gives detailed info about the program.

Dual Language in KCSD96  |  Dual Language Lottery   | Dual Language FAQs

• Cryptobabel: Coded Communication (Grades 4–6)

• Visit the Seattle Aquarium
Learn about the animals and the food web that can be found in the Puget Sound waters

Public Wi-Fi available– Vernon Area Public Library parking lot
Buffalo Grove Police Department Coloring Challenge 
IL Autism Partnership Student Resources School Closure Toolkit (pdf with links)
Census 2020 – Make everyone count in Lake County
COVID-19 Volunteer & Donation Opportunities
Resources for Seniors in Lake and Cook Counties
Cryptobabel: Coded Communication Distraction Activity

• Breakfast/Lunch for Students Available for Drive-Up Pick-Up Weekdays
KCSD96, D102, D013, and Stevenson families may pick up breakfast/lunch for their students. Drive-up meal pick-up is BEHIND the Exceptional Learners Collaborative (ELC) building, 990 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. weekdays. Please pull up to the sign and remain in your vehicle. Children do not have to accompany parents to receive meals. Questions? Contact [email protected]

• Food Pantry Donation Opportunity Continues
Community members who are able and choose to do so are invited to bring these specific items to donate: large brown paper grocery bags, pasta sauce (cans or jars), “Helper” meal kits, butter, canned fruit, cereal, and juice boxes. Please deliver to collection boxes outside the ELC front entrance, 990 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, from 8 AM–3 PM. Please observe social distancing when delivering donations.

• Help Is Here: Talk to Someone
IL Dept. of Human Services Call4Calm
If you or a loved one are struggling with stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and need additional support, text TALK to 552020 for English and HABLAR for Spanish. This SERVICE is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People seeking assistance will remain anonymous and will provide only their first name and ZIPcode, which enables the service to link you to a counselor in your area who is knowledgeable about available local resources.

District 96 will communicate with you through E-NEWS 96 on Fridays throughout the period of closure. Please email questions to the public info coordinator. The next issue of E-NEWS 96 will be May 15, 2020.