Country Meadows Principal's Message - Nov. 12th

Country Meadows Principal's Message - Nov. 12th

Country Meadows Families,

We’d like to congratulate our band and orchestra students for their very first performance of the school year. Concerts have always been a way to celebrate our students’ talents for music and we are glad to have them back. It goes without saying how incredibly hard they have worked to prepare for the occasion, and I’m sure it felt a little unnerving to perform in front of the in-person and remote audience. However, they persevered and we could not be prouder. Let’s give a special shout-out to our band and orchestra teachers, Mr. Craw and Ms. Wronkiewicz, for creating an environment where students can thrive!

Additionally, we are officially one third of the way through the school year. We are so proud of all of the hard work our students have put in this first trimester, and we cannot wait to see what accomplishments lie ahead!


Meghan Bird - Principal

NEW *Report Card Explanation*

Report cards will be sent to parents on Friday, November 19th at approximately 3:00pm.

Listen to a brief explanation of our standards-based reporting system

NEW *Parent to Parent Network*

Parent to Parent Network is hosting a wonderful opportunity to learn more about security and safety on virtual platforms from two of our own.  This virtual session is “Family Tech Talk,” featuring Lucas Cowden, the District’s Director of Technology, and Buffalo Grove Police Officer Essig, KCSD 96’s Resource Officer.

“Family Tech Talk” runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17.  Register here

NEW *Symptoms, Close Contacts, and Travel Quarantine*

If you have any questions about symptoms, close close contacts or quarantining please visit the IDPH Decision Tree posted on the District 96 COVID-19 webpage

Additionally, as winter break approaches, please note the guidelines for unvaccinated individuals and international travel posted on the District 96 COVID-19 webpage

NEW *Scholastic Book Fair 11/14-11/19*

We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming PTO sponsored Scholastic Book Fair that will run from Monday, November 15th to Friday, November 19th.  This event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their
love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school. 

  • Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute, too!
  • If you can’t make it to the Book Fair, you also have the option to shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair.  All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25.
  • Our Book Fair will be open during Family Reading Night (see below for details) from 6:00pm-7:30pm.

Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping.  We’re excited to celebrate our love of books together at the PTO sponsored Scholastic Book Fair next week!

NEW *Family Reading Night*

This is a friendly reminder that our annual Family Reading Night will take place on Thursday, 11/18 from 6:30-7:30 pm. Our goal is to provide families with a fun night out where you are able to experience two different rounds of literacy-related activities (i.e. flashlight reading, reading for two voices, Sora eBook app). 

Our PTO sponsored Scholatic Book Fair will also be open in the learning center beginning from 6:00pm-7:30pm.

Please use this Google Form to RSVP  if you plan on joining us, and indicate your ideal preferences for the evening activities. This information will help us plan for the event and do our best to make a match for your choices. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

NEW *Yoga Club*

We were so excited to get After School Sports, Intro to Indian Culture, Art Club, and Culture Crew up and running at Country Meadows this week! It was great to see students so excited to engage with their peers during these after school activities.  

We are also excited to offer a Yoga Club that will be hosted on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00!  If your child is interested, please sign up using this Yoga Club sign up form.  Please note that Start/End dates for Yoga Club will be determined after analyzing registration numbers to ensure social distancing is adhered to. (i.e. Grade levels may have various session start/end dates) 

Given our challenges with transportation this year, we are NOT able to provide an after school bus.  All students must be picked up promptly at 4:00pm.  

NEW *Outdoor Recess Reminder*

With the weather getting colder, we wanted to remind families that students will have outdoor recess during every day except in the most inclement weather; therefore, the children’s outdoor clothing should be appropriate for the weather that day.

In winter the temperature and wind chill and weather conditions will be monitored throughout the morning. When the temperature or wind chill is 0–10 degrees, students may go outside for a shortened recess period or may be kept inside for recess.  If the temperature or wind chill falls below zero, students will be kept inside for indoor recess.  Determination of whether children will have outdoor recess will be made prior to each grade level recess period, based on the weather at that moment.

NEW *PTO Update*

Scholastic Book Fair November 15-19

The PTO is excited to host the Fall Scholastic Book Fair all next week!  Students will have the opportunity to browse and make a wish list then will return later in the week to purchase items.  On our Book Fair website you can:

  • Set Up an eWallet with funds to use both virtually and in person to purchase books and more!
  • Shop the Virtual Book Fair!  Although we have MANY items available on site at the school, there are even more available on the website!  Sales will remain open on the website through November 25th.

In addition to the time students will have during school hours, the shop will be open for Family Reading Night on Thursday, November 18th for the whole family to stop by!

Yearbook Committee

The PTO is currently seeking a parent volunteer to chair the Yearbook Committee for the 2022-2023 school year.  We are seeking to fulfil this position early to allow for training time on use of the software.  Please reach out to us at [email protected] to express your interest.

NEW *Golden Paws*

At Country Meadows we are working to be PROs (People Respecting Others) by being respectful, responsible, and creating peaceful community.  Staff members are able to award students with paper paws slips when students are exhibiting behaviors consisent with our building values (respectful, responsible, peaceful).  

New this year is the exciting GOLDEN PAW.  Golden paws are earned when an entire class is seen exhibiting PRO behavior that is respectful, responsible, or peaceful.  For example, a class may earn a Golden Paw for being respectful to a substitute the day a teacher is absent, listening and adhering to lunch room expectations, walking quietly/peacefully in the hallways.  Each week we will report to you the classes who have earned Golden Paws! 

This weeks Golden Paws winners include:

  • Larson
  • Abad
  • Mason
  • Eisinger

Keep up the great work, Country Meadows PROs!

REPEATING *Road Work - Potential Impact* 

Please be aware that Lake County has notified us that Old McHenry Rd. will be closed (from Hawthorn Woods to Rt. 22) to through traffic beginning Monday, November 8th and is scheduled to reopen on Sunday, November 21st.  This will likely impact traffic patterns for the duration of the closure.

REPEATING *Indoor Music Concerts*

We are excited to have our students perform in concerts to showcase their talents. Students will follow school health guidance protocols as they do in their music classes. 

In order for District 96 to maintain safety and health guidelines, each child will be strictly limited to 1 guest only. Guests will be provided seating in the gym that has been spaced for social distancing. Masks will be required. 

The event will allow for live virtual access and will be recorded to later share with other family members or relatives unable to attend due to attendee restrictions. More information on how to access the live link will be coming soon.

REPEATING *Indoor Air Quality Report*

In response to a recent parent concern, District 96 contracted with our Environmental Consultants from JMS Environmental Associates to do an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Survey.  The IAQ analyses test for this IAQ included the following:  1) Airborne Microbial Spores; 2) Direct Microscopic Swab Examination; 3) Airborne Ultra-Fine Dust Particulates; and 4) Volatile Organic Compounds / Carbon Dioxide / Temperature / Relative Humidity.

In summary, during our consultation with JMS to review the results of the IAQ, the consultants indicated the following:

  • A high level study was conducted. 
  • The ultrafine particles results indicate that the system is working very well and that a good filtration system is in place.
  • The air quality indoors is excellent and presents no health risks or concerns.   
  • It is accurate to say that the indoor air quality inside our schools is better than the air quality outdoors, due to good ventilation and filtration.
  • In District 96, we have both processes and metrics in place as a part of our ongoing facilities-management plan that would trigger the need for any future assessment.  As always, we will continue to implement and monitor those on an ongoing basis.
  • Below you will find a link to the full report as provided by JMS and a document where you can submit any questions that you may have regarding the results. 

Full IAQ Report

Form to Submit a Question

REPEATING *New Attendance Information*

​​Attendance is one of the most powerful predictors of academic achievement and having your student in their seat, ready to learn for the entire school day will benefit them, their classmates, and our whole school community. Let’s work together to make sure your child has great attendance and can get the most out of their learning opportunities this school year.


We know that there are a wide variety of reasons that students are absent from school, from health concerns to transportation challenges. There are many people in our building prepared to help you if you or your student face challenges in getting to school regularly or on time. We promise to track attendance daily, to notice when your student is missing from class, communicate with you to understand why they were absent, and to identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges you may face in helping your student attend school. Our parent handbook reflects legislative updates from the state and is ready for you to review.


We miss your student when they are not at school as we value their contributions to our school community. If your student is going to be absent, please contact the school in advance. If an absence was unplanned, please contact the school please contact the school office as soon as possible.


  • Send your child to school unless they are truly sick, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, contagious rash or showing any other COVID like symptoms.
  • Avoid appointments and travel when school is in session.
  • Keep track of your child’s attendance.
  • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine (including limiting how late your child may use any electronic devices) and finish homework and pack backpacks the night before.
  • Have a back-up plan for getting to school in case something comes up (this could be alternative bus routes, roads, or a plan with family members, neighbors, or other parents).
  • Communicate with the school about how we can work together to support your child’s attendance.


  • If your child has five unexcused absences we will reach out via phone and follow up with an email.
  • If your child has seven unexcused absences we will schedule a conference with you and your child to create a student success plan and help continued supports.
  • After 10 days of unexcused absences, and our supports and interventions haven’t helped get your student to school consistently, we are required to file a petition and you will be notified by formal letter that the case will be forwarded to the truancy department and the Lake County ROE, alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010, Illinois' mandatory attendance law.

Excused: Medical appointment, illness, quarantine, death in the family, mental health day, religious holiday

Unexcused: Most other reasons for absence including vacation, sporting event, missing the bus, sleeping in, day before a special individual occasion.

REPEATING *O’Hare PCR Results*

If you do not receive your child’s PCR results over the weekend, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Please feel free to contact O’Hare Labs by sending an email to [email protected].  This email is monitored frequently each day and is the preferred method of contact.  Please be sure to include your child’s First Name, Last Name, DOB, and test date in the email.

If preferred, you can also call the Call Center at (800) 604-0197 Monday-Saturday between the hours of 10am-5pm.

REPEATING *Covid Metrics*

To stay up-to-date this school year on local metrics, please visit the COVID DASHBOARD for District 96. Our priority remains to keep our students safe and follow guidance from the CDC. If your student is identified as a "close contact", you will be notified individually through the contact tracing process.