Country Meadows Principal's Message - August 27th

Country Meadows Principal's Message - August 27th

Country Meadows Families,

It was so great to see you all at Curriculum Night this week, and we are so grateful for your continued partnership.  Our classroom routines are becoming more familiar, instruction in all content areas has officially begun, and student smiles and conversations can be heard all around.

I know I speak for all of the entire Country Meadows staff when I say that it has been so refreshing to welcome all of our Cubs back to school.  The energy and excitement that radiates the halls every day is remarkable, and we are looking forward to the great school year ahead.


Meghan Bird - Principal

NEW *Early Release Reminder*

This is a friendly reminder that Tuesday, August 31st is an Early Release, and students will be dismissed at 2:00.  Please ensure students are picked up by this time.

NEW *Covid Metrics*

To stay up-to-date this school year on local metrics, please visit the COVID DASHBOARD for District 96. Our priority remains to keep our students safe and follow guidance from the CDC. If your student is identified as a "close contact", you will be notified individually through the contact tracing process. 

NEW *NWEA MAP Assessment*

All students in grades K-8 will be participating in NWEA MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment. The MAP assessment is a normed referenced, computerized adaptive test that helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.  Like in previous years, all students will be taking the MAP test in reading and math during the school day. Testing will take place on Monday, August 30th and Wednesday, September 1st. 

Students who are quarantined during those testing days will take the MAP assessment after they return to school.

NEW *Simultaneous Student Pick-Up from Willow Grove & Elementary Schools*

Please know that we understand that some families may have concerns related to picking students up from Willow Grove and an elementary school building.  Please know that all principals are aware of this concern, and no child will ever be left unattended.  We appreciate your best effort in picking your children up in a timely manner, and we appreciate you adhering to our current dismissal times.  If when you arrive at a building your child is not waiting outside with an adult, please park and come to the front office.  If you will be well after 3:15 to a specific location, please feel free to call and inform the office of your ETA.

NEW: Law Enforcement Safety Drill EDUCATION

On Wednesday, September 1st Country Meadows will be conducting the annual Law Enforcement Safety Drill EDUCATION. Students will be learning age appropriate safety procedures.

In compliance with the New Safety Drill Act, parents have the right to exempt their child from the Law Enforcement Drill EDUCATION.

If you do not wish your son or daughter to participate in the Law Enforcement Safety Drill Education, please contact Meghan Bird at [email protected].  If we do not hear from you, we will assume your child has permission to participate in the drill education.

NEW *PTO Update*

Please take a moment to read the PTO blog this week!

Our first Dessert Day will be on Wednesday, September 1st and the first Special Lunch day on Friday, September 17th!  Don't forget to sign up via a Membership Toolkit (MTK) account so they won't miss out on either treat!

We are still seeking volunteers for Room Parent and assisting with classroom parties.  Room Parents coordinate the three class holiday parties, select a craft or activity and possibly a game.  Most details and logistics are managed by the PTO.  There are also 2-3 additional parent volunteers needed to help run each party.  This is an excellent opportunity to spend time with your child in their classroom!  Sign up on Membership Toolkit and reach out to Sarah Baker, VP of Room Parents ([email protected]) with any questions.

Upcoming events:

  • September 13-24: Spirit Wear Sale
  • September 24: PTO General Meeting 9am

REPEATING *Bus Information* 

PLEASE NOTE:  There continues to be a workforce shortage on a national and local level.  This is significantly impacting the ability of all transportation companies to fill driver openings.  First Student continues to have unfilled driver positions for District 96 bus routes.  They have been using substitute and "borrowed" drivers from other regions to fill our needs the last few days but the reality is that the positions remain unfilled and a "band-aid" plan is being created for each day.  Our Director of Transportation continues to meet with First Student multiple times per day to problem solve.  We will continue to keep you updated on what is likely to be a ongoing challenge.

REPEATING *Food Services Information*

FREE MEALS IN SCHOOL:  Under the waivers to USDA Nutrition Programs currently offered, the District is able to provide free meals to all students.  One reimbursable daily meal will be provided free of charge to each student that chooses to participate on school days.  

SNACKS FOR PURCHASE IN SEPTEMBER: Snacks will start being offered at the beginning of September.  If you wish your child to be able to purchase snacks at that time, please be sure to have their account prepaid on the K12PaymentCenter.  This site will allow you not only to monitor balances but also transaction history.  There are no transaction fees related to this account.  To create an account you will need your student's 7 digit ID number, which will be emailed to you this evening with the subject line of D96 Food Service Information.

ORDERING PROCESS:  Each morning, students will tell their teachers which entree they will order and those numbers will be shared with the food service staff.  Please encourage your students to take the entree they ordered to ensure that all students receive the desired meal.  Menus can be viewed on the District website.

FINAL DRIVE THROUGH MEAL HANDOUT: Now that all students will be in person, the final drive through meal handout will occur on Monday, August 16th and will contain four days of meals.

REPEATING *Approved Snack List*

All students are allowed to bring an individual daily snack. It is required that snacks are only from our District Approved Snack List for the safety of students.

The District has revised the APPROVED SNACK LIST. The items the list includes are free of the Top 8 allergens: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.  This list includes the foods that are approved for students' Daily Snacks.  Daily snacks for your children must be from this list or they will be sent home.  

IMPORTANT: All items for Daily Snacks, with the exception of fruits and vegetables, MUST be prepackaged to allow staff to easily check that snacks meet the approved requirements.  

Director of Educational Services, Amy Gluck, also has provided responses to FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) about foods approved for daily snacks/special events.

Lunches packed from home may contain anything, and do not need to be from the Approved Snack List.  If your child is bringing in lunch, snacks must be packed separately from lunch.

REPEATING *Yearbook Cover Contest*

Is your child interested in submitting a drawing to be featured on the Country Meadows yearbook this year?  Click here for more information about our contest!

All submissions are due to the front office no later than Friday, September 17th!