Dear Families,
Thanksgiving is almost here! I want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing community for the love and support you give our students and staff, every day. We couldn't be more thankful to work with your precious kids and your trust in us means the world. We know that our partnership with you is invaluable in the work we do. Thank you!
We had another Warm Fuzzy celebration this week to recognize many of our students! If you missed it before, Warm Fuzzies are one way we recognize children for demonstrating our Bears that Care pillar behaviors, kindness, responsibility, and respect. This month we specifically are focusing on showing expected behaviors. Expected behavior is usually kind, helpful, and respectful. Unexpected behavior is when someone makes a choice that doesn't usually happen at that time or place. Unexpected behavior might happen if you feel upset or confused. Unexpected behavior might make other people mad or sad. We support our students to learn the difference between these and recognize how their choices impact others and themselves. Having a common language we refer to allows us all to consistently reinforce this learning throughout all settings, across the students' days.
With next week being such a short week with school only meeting on Monday and Tuesday, we will not have another principal message. We will resume the scheduled messages on December 1. Wishing you and your family a wonderful time enjoying one another and all that comes with the Thanksgiving holiday.
Warm wishes,
Jenny Smith, Principal
November At-A-Glance
- 17 - Trimester 1 report cards issued
- 22 - NO SCHOOL - District Holiday
- 23 - NO SCHOOL - District Holiday
- 24 - NO SCHOOL - District Holiday
District 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
NEW *Willow Grove Window to the World Cultural Fair Update*
Hooray! Hooray! We have great news! Based on the number of volunteers, we are able to proceed with planning for our Window to the World Cultural Fair. Thank you to those of you who volunteered! We will share information shortly via email that will guide and support you in preparing for the evening.
This is a reminder to all to save the date of December 14th from 6-7:30 PM. This will be a night to remember. All families are encouraged to wear clothing that represents their culture. For some, this may mean special, customary garments, while for others it means dressing up to make it a special night. This isn't required. It just adds to the fun. Any attire is welcome!
NEW *Report Cards*
Trimester 1 report cards will be available online after 3 PM on Friday 11/17/23 for students in Early Childhood through 8th Grade.
See instructions to access the report cards online CLICK HERE.
Please contact the SCHOOL OFFICE with questions.
NEW *Sense of Belonging Survey*
In District 96, we believe that feedback from students regarding their perception of the school climate and teacher-student relationships provides valuable input about their sense of belonging. Our school district is committed to providing our students with every opportunity to succeed. Substantial research indicates that supporting students’ social-emotional development improves their readiness to learn, positive classroom engagement, and overall academic performance. As a result, District 96 will administer a student belonging survey to all students K-8. These surveys are below for your review. A physical copy will be available from the district office upon request.
Surveys Below:
With this information, the District can make thoughtful and informed decisions to support students' deeper sense of belonging at school. As always, student privacy and safety are of the utmost importance. This survey is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act), and PPRA (The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment) certified. The collected data will improve our students’ sense of belonging and will only be used by our schools. Student responses will support group patterns so schools can provide support in those targeted areas. Thank you for supporting our school communities and their corresponding sense of belonging.
If you would like to exclude your child from participating in the survey, please contact your child/children’s building principal.
REPEAT *Author Visit*
Wow- what a great author visit- thank you Willow Grove PTO. If you are still interested in ordering Rekha Rajan's latest book, Can You Dance Like a Peacock?, please purchase a copy on Amazon and send it to school with your child by November 21st. Rekha will return to Willow Grove to sign any books that have been purchased. Please include your child's name and teacher's name on a Post-it on the front cover. Please fill out this Google Form so that we can make sure all of the books are signed.
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Martinez at [email protected].
REPEAT *PTO Updates*
In the latest edition of the PTO blog, the Spirit Wear store is open and closing on 11/17, make sure to get your orders in. Additionally, learn more about winter party volunteers, Pizza Bingo Night call for prizes, November's Dine Out Night, and more! For specific information please read the latest edition of the WG PTO Blog.
REPEAT *Cold Weather Reminders*
Please remember to send your child to school daily with proper outerwear. Weather permitting, students go outside for recess every day. In winter the temperature, including wind chill, and weather conditions are monitored throughout the morning. When the temperature or wind chill is below zero degrees, students will be kept inside for recess. We weigh options when the temperature or wind chill is between zero to ten degrees, to determine if we have indoor or outdoor recess, such as how damp it is outside. We do try to allow the children to go outside whenever possible, so please help them to come prepared. If snow is on the ground, children must have a coat, snow pants, hat, mittens/gloves, and boots to play in the snow. If they aren't prepared with these items, there is a cleared blacktop area for kids to play on. Feel free to keep an extra set of these items at school. Most importantly, label everything! Thank you!
REPEAT *Lightspeed Systems - Kindergarten Only*
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As a part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe and secure online environment for our students, we are excited to announce that we will be offering the Lightspeed Systems Weekly Student Online Activity Report to all parents and guardians of our school community.
You will receive an email from District 96 that will enable you to register for the Weekly Student Online Activity Report. Once you receive the email from our school district you will have the ability to register. Simply choose to register and follow the prompts to sign up for the Weekly Student Online Activity Report.
The Lightspeed Systems Weekly Student Online Activity Report is a valuable tool that will allow you to gain insights into your child's web history while using the school's iPad. This report will provide an overview of the websites visited by your child while using the iPad. The report is designed to promote transparency and communication between parents and the school, fostering a safer digital learning experience for our students.
The weekly activity report is only accessible to parents and guardians registered for this service. It will not be shared with any external parties, and the data collected will be used solely for the purpose of improving the online safety measures at our school. Parents/guardians will not start receiving weekly reports until their child has at least a week's worth of browsing data.
Lightspeed Parent/Student Enrollment Email Schedule: Families will begin to receive LightSpeed Parent report emails from Lightspeed. This email correspondence will allow you to enroll and begin receiving your child’s reports from Lightspeed for the following grades on or near the following dates below.
- October 23, 2023 (8th Grade)
- October 30, 2023 (7th Grade)
- November 6, 2023 (6th Grade)
- November 13, 2023 (5th Grade)
- November 20, 2023 (4th Grade)
- November 27, 2023 (3rd Grade)
- December 4, 2023 (2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten)
Please note that while we encourage parents to use this tool to stay involved in their child's online journey, it is essential to have open conversations with your child about their internet use. Establishing trust and communication around digital practices will enhance the overall safety and well-being of our students.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Weekly Student Online Activity Report or need assistance with the registration process, please feel free to reach out to the IT department at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued support in creating a secure and nurturing learning environment for our students.