Principal's Message ~ November 19, 2021

Principal's Message ~ November 19, 2021

Dear Families,

As we head into the Thanksgiving break, I wish to express my gratitude for the partnership we, principals and staff, have together with you in fostering the social and academic growth of your child.  We are a team and could not do this work without each other.  I am grateful for and proud of the supportive and growth-focused Willow Grove community that we have created together.  We have so much to be thankful for at school and personally.

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday,

Jenny Smith, Principal

NEW *Calendar Reminders*

  • This is a friendly reminder that next week Monday (11/22) and Tuesday (11/23) we will operate on our normal school schedule.  Students will not be in attendance on Wednesday-Friday next week (11/24-11/26). 
  • Tuesday, November 30th is an Early Release for students.
    • Half-Day KDG regular hours
    • Full-Day KDG & Grds. 1–5 dismiss @ 2 pm 
    • Structured: 8:30 am–2 pm 
    • Blended AM: 8:30–10 am & Blended PM: 12:30–2 pm

NEW *Report Cards*

Families should have received access to their student’s report card at 3:00 pm this afternoon.  Please click HERE to listen to a brief explanation of our standards-based reporting system.


All students in grades K-8 will be participating in NWEA MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment. The MAP assessment is a normed referenced, computerized adaptive test that helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.  Like in previous years, all students will be taking the MAP test in reading and math during the school day. Testing will take place on Monday, December 6th and Tuesday, December 7th. 

Students who are absent or quarantined during those testing days will take the MAP assessment after they return to school.

NEW *Donation Requests For Baby Products & Gently Used Toys - DUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23*

Stevenson High School has an annual school-wide community service event called Give-A-Thon. Student leaders sell items to the school body in an effort to raise money to buy gifts for underprivileged families. In addition, the school also hosts a large canned food and baby product drive for the Vernon Area Pantry and Lake County P.A.D.S.

A student leader reached out requesting donations of baby products. As high school students generally don't have a surplus of baby supplies at home, they have reached out to elementary schools and early learning centers, where students are much more likely to have siblings of baby and toddler age. What a perfect fit for our Willow Grove family population, as I'm sure you may have items of this nature you no longer need that families in need would greatly appreciate.

Students or families can drop off baby supplies at our school office BY NEXT WEEK TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 (the date is incorrect in the following image). 

NEW *Lunch Menu Change*

Please be advised there is a lunch menu change for the following date:

November 23, 2021 - Cheese Pizza or Chicken Nuggets

NEW *Willow Grove Spirit Week - December 13-17*

Monday - Dec 13: Crazy hair day

Tuesday - Dec 14: Wear your class color or represent your animal emoji day (see below)

Wednesday - Dec 15: Spirit wear or purple and/or grey day

Thursday - Dec 16: PJ Day (No slippers please. Students need to wear regular shoes. Your student will also need to be dressed warm enough to go outside for recess if conditions allow.)

Friday - Dec 17: Winter party day. PTO volunteers will provide classroom parties in every classroom!

Class Emoji/Colors for Tuesday, December 14:

Ms. Longman - Tiger, orange and/or black

Ms. Chappas - Owl, gold and/or yellow

Miss Derry - Fox, red

Mrs. Dolan - Penguin, blue

Mrs. Preskill - Panda, black and/or white

Miss Filippo - Dolphin, blue and/or silver/gray

Mrs. Hibbs - Rabbit, pink and/or gray

Mrs. Holzman - Giraffe, yellow

Mrs. Schmidt - Koala, pink and/or gray

Mrs. Casas-Maya - Elephant, purple and/or gray

Mrs. Rabin - Turtle, green

Mrs. Santucci - Lion, orange

Miss Wittenberg - Raccoon, purple

Ms. Bentley - Ladybug, red

Mrs. Johnson - Bee, yellow and/or black

Ms. Sewell - Monkey, Brown and/or orange

Ms. Freer - Fish, blue and/or orange

Miss Weihe - Frog, green

Mrs. Yandura - Puppy, blue and/or brown

NEW *Hand-Me-Down Donations Accepted*

As I'm sure you're aware, the population of our students does tend to have accidents from time to time, given their age.  The nurse has extra clothes, if needed, but is extremely low on pants.  If you have any hand-me-downs your child has grown out of that you wouldn't mind donating, we'd love it!  Pants that would fit girls or boys between the ages of 3 to 6 would be wonderful, sizes 4T-7T or youth XS-M.

If your child has borrowed clothing from school, please return it.  Please also make sure your child has a change of clothes (season appropriate) at school.  


Families, please be sure to get your Original Works orders submitted by Tuesday, November 23rd. We will also be selling winter-themed cookie kits from Shalom Bakery! Please head to the PTO Blog for more information on these fundraisers and other exciting events.



REPEAT *Symptoms, Close contacts, Quarantine & International Travel Guidelines*

If you have any questions about symptoms, close contacts or quarantining please visit the IDPH Decision Tree posted on the District 96 COVID-19 webpage

Additionally, as winter break approaches, please note the guidelines for unvaccinated individuals and international travel posted on the District 96 COVID-19 webpage





REPEAT *New Attendance Information*

​​Attendance is one of the most powerful predictors of academic achievement and having your student in their seat, ready to learn for the entire school day will benefit them, their classmates, and our whole school community. Let’s work together to make sure your child has great attendance and can get the most out of their learning opportunities this school year.


We know that there are a wide variety of reasons that students are absent from school, from health concerns to transportation challenges. There are many people in our building prepared to help you if you or your student face challenges in getting to school regularly or on time. We promise to track attendance daily, to notice when your student is missing from class, communicate with you to understand why they were absent, and to identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges you may face in helping your student attend school. Our parent handbook reflects legislative updates from the state and is ready for you to review.


We miss your student when they are not at school as we value their contributions to our school community. If your student is going to be absent, please contact the school in advance. If an absence was unplanned, please contact the school please contact the school office as soon as possible.


  • Send your child to school unless they are truly sick, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, contagious rash or showing any other COVID like symptoms.
  • Avoid appointments and travel when school is in session.
  • Keep track of your child’s attendance.
  • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine (including limiting how late your child may use any electronic devices) and finish homework and pack backpacks the night before.
  • Have a back-up plan for getting to school in case something comes up (this could be alternative bus routes, roads, or a plan with family members, neighbors, or other parents).
  • Communicate with the school about how we can work together to support your child’s attendance.


  • If your child has five unexcused absences we will reach out via phone and follow up with an email.
  • If your child has seven unexcused absences we will schedule a conference with you and your child to create a student success plan for support.
  • After 10 days of unexcused absences, and our supports and interventions haven’t helped get your student to school consistently, we are required to file a petition and you will be notified by formal letter that the case will be forwarded to the truancy department and the Lake County ROE, alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010, Illinois' mandatory attendance law.


Excused: Medical appointment, illness, quarantine, death in the family, mental health day, religious holiday

Unexcused: Most other reasons for absence include; vacation, sporting events, missing the bus, sleeping in, day before a special individual occasion.

REPEAT *Report Card Explanation*

Reports will be released to parents on Friday, November 19th at approximately 3:00pm.  Please click HERE to listen to a brief explanation of our standards-based reporting system.

REPEATING *Covid Metrics*

To stay up-to-date this school year on local metrics, please visit the COVID DASHBOARD for District 96. Our priority remains to keep our students safe and follow guidance from the CDC. If your student is identified as a "close contact", you will be notified individually through the contact tracing process.