Full Remote Learning


Synchronous - Occurring at the same time – live instruction and learning with students and teachers interacting through video conferencing and other real-time interaction.
Asynchronous - Occurring at different times – recorded instruction, self-guided and individual learning time.

Full Remote Learning Schedules

Early Childhood: 8:30–11:00 AM OR 12:30–3:00 PM (*blended tuition-based students are not eligible for full remote learning) 

  1. Opening Meeting 10–15 minutes
  2. Instruction will be based on student IEPs.  
  3. Services will be provided remotely in small groups or one-to-one sessions with the teacher or related service provider.  

Structured Learning (Early Childhood & Kindergarten): 8:45 AM–2:45 PM

  1. Morning Meeting 10–15 minutes 
  2. Instruction will be based on student IEPs.  
  3. Services will be provided remotely in small groups or one-to-one sessions with the teacher or related service provider.  

Kindergarten (including Dual Language): 8:30–11:00 AM or 12:30–3:00 PM 

  1. Opening Meeting - 20–30 minutes synchronous daily.
  2. Math - 20 minutes synchronous and daily asynchronous activities (approx. 15-20 minutes).
  3. ELA - 20 minutes synchronous and daily asynchronous activities (approx. 15-20 minutes).
  4. Differentiated Small Group Support - 15 minutes synchronous instruction 3–5 times per week.
  5. Quest (Inquiry-based learning), Social Studies, and Specials - Asynchronous activities will be available for families as an option for further learning.
  6. Special education and related services will be scheduled in compliance with a student’s IEP goals.
  7. 504 accommodations will be provided in compliance with a student’s 504 plan.
  8. Closing Conversation - 10-15 minutes synchronous daily.

Grades 1–5: 8:30 AM–3:00 PM

  1. Morning Meeting - 20-30 minutes synchronous daily 
  2. Math - 30 minutes synchronous and daily asynchronous activities (approx. 30 minutes).
  3. ELA - 30 minutes synchronous and daily asynchronous activities (approx. 30 minutes).
  4. Differentiated Small Group Support - 20–30-minute synchronous instruction 3-5 times per week.
  5. Science, Social Studies, Specials, and Daily PE - asynchronous daily instruction (approx. 60–90 minutes).
  6. Tiered intervention will be provided in reading and math, along with time for students to consult with their classroom teacher regarding assigned activities. (approx. 30–60 minutes) 
  7. Special education and related services will be scheduled in compliance with a student’s IEP.
  8. 504 accommodations will be provided in compliance with a student’s 504 plan. 
  9. Closing Conversation - 10–15 minutes synchronous daily.
  10. Students will have breaks and lunch built into the school day. 

Grades 6–8: 7:45 AM–2:30 PM 

  1. Math - 40 minutes synchronous and 20 minutes asynchronous daily.
  2. ELA - 40 minutes synchronous and 20 minutes asynchronous daily.
  3. Science - 40 minutes synchronous and 20 minutes asynchronous daily.
  4. Social Studies - 40 minutes synchronous and 20 minutes asynchronous daily.
  5. Spanish, TASOL, Art, Music, PE/Health, Band, Orchestra  - 30 minutes synchronous daily and 10 minutes asynchronous daily.
  6. FLEX- 40 minutes synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the instructional plan (This will include a compilation of small group instruction, whole group instruction, interventions, etc.)
  7. Related services will be scheduled in compliance with a student’s IEP goals.
  8. 504 accommodations will be provided in compliance with a student’s 504 plan. 
  9. Open Office Hours will be available from 2:30–3:00 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday.
  10. Remote Clubs and Study Halls will take place from 2:30–3:15 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays.  
  11. Students will have breaks and lunch built into the school day. 


  • Daily attendance is expected for all students in the remote learning environment.  
  • Teachers will record attendance during daily Zoom classes. 
  • If a student is unable to attend a Zoom class, a parent must call the school attendance line and report the student as absent. 
  • Students who are not reported as absent may receive a phone call from a D96 staff member for the purposes of checking in and ensuring students are able to access the online materials. 
  • If a student does not report to a specific class for three (3) consecutive days, teachers and administrators, in collaboration with the students’ parents/caregivers, will put interventions in place to support the student. 


  • In a remote learning environment, timely, reciprocal, clear, consistent, and concise communication is vital.  
  • Students in Grades EC–2 will submit work and teachers will provide feedback through the students’ SeeSaw accounts.
  • Students in Grades 3–8 will submit work and teachers will provide feedback through the students’ Schoology accounts.
  • Students in Grades 4–8 will have access to a district-owned gmail account.
  • Additional educational apps may be used for instructional purposes, but the expectation of when and how the educational app should be used will be communicated through SeeSaw and/or Schoology.
  • Staff members will frequently meet live with students.
  • Students are expected to maintain predetermined classroom norms during live instruction. 
  • Staff members will introduce norms and continuously review norms for Zoom classes throughout the year.

Teaching and Learning 

  • The District will use the Illinois learning standards for each grade level as the basis for instruction for both in-person and remote learning environments.  All students will receive instruction based on what we have identified as essential for students to learn in each grade and in each subject.  
  • District curricular resources (ReadyGen-elementary literacy, Bridges-elementary math, Big Ideas-middle math, etc.) will continue to be used to deliver rigorous standards-aligned instruction.  
  • Social Emotional learning standards will be embedded into content-based instruction to the extent possible and will be adjusted to address the new unique learning environments and life changes that have occurred as a result of the pandemic.   
  • EL (English Learner), Biliteracy, and Dual Language programming will continue. Teachers and Language Development coaches will work collaboratively to ensure English language growth (and Spanish Language growth in Dual Language) and guarantee grade-level instruction is accessible. 
  • Students with IEPs and 504s will receive their services as outlined in their individual plans.
  • Students who receive Tier 2 and Tier 3 reading and math interventions will receive these services as outlined in their individual tiered intervention plans. 

Students with Specific Learning Needs (IEP, 504)

  • The District will work with students and families to ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with specific learning needs (e.g., students with an IEP, 504 plan)
  • When appropriate, accommodations will be provided and/or modifications may be made by teachers or case managers consistent with the student’s IEP or 504 plan.
  • Related service providers will provide services synchronously to support IEP minutes. Guidelines for services are specific to the individual student plans; therefore, specific information related to these services will be communicated to individual families based on those identified needs. 
  • Your student will receive the minutes outlined within his/her IEP in both in-person and remote learning options.
  • There will be synchronous sessions throughout his/her day to mirror what the day looks like in person.
  • We will have Special Education Staff working both in person and remotely and individual schedules will be created for each student and sent to families ahead of time.
  • Upon return to school, we will work with students from families who opted for remote learning for the fall to assist with the transition. We will support social skills and have lessons on social interaction with peers and staff, as well as teaching new routines.
  • Special education staff will collaborate with general education teachers to support high levels of learning. 

Grading Practices

  • Students will be held accountable for the completion of assignments and assessments.
  • Grading and assessments are meant to provide feedback and communication to students and families with the focus on learning, growth, and progress. 
  • Meaningful grading and assessment provides students the opportunity to redo, make up, or try again to complete, show progress, or attempt to complete work assigned.
  • Report cards will be provided at the end of each trimester using the same progress indicators as for students participating in in-person learning.  


  • District 96  students in Grades EC–8 will have their own iPad.
  • A communication will be coming in August regarding a plan for pick up for any student who does not currently have an iPad,
  • All technology support requests should be submitted by emailing [email protected]

Internet Access

  • District 96 will ensure each student has Internet service in their home.  If you are in need of internet access in your home, please reach out to Lucas Cowden, [email protected] If students are unable to access the internet due to issues outside of their control (e.g.  power outages), teachers will allow students extra days to make up their homework/classwork.

See Superintendent Schmidt's VIDEO: ROADMAP TO REOPENING
See JOINT GUIDANCE: Starting the 2020–21 School Year