Student Records

Student Records

General Procedures for Transferring Student Records
The District complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) with respect to a student’s education records. Parents need to contact the building administrative assistants for help in transferring records to or from schools.

Transfer of Student Records to District 96. Any child transferring to District 96 from another Illinois public school district must show evidence of being in good standing at the time of registration. Children in first through eighth grades should have a transfer or report card indicating the expected grade placement when they register.

Transfer of Student Records from District 96. Parents should notify the school office as soon as possible of any child transferring from District 96 to another Illinois public school district. 

Eighth-graders’ student-identifying information, parent data, and emergency contact, medical, and disability (if applicable) information will be forwarded in November in the eighth-grade year to Stevenson High School. Parents and/or guardians of eighth graders have the right to inspect, copy, and/or challenge this information and must notify the student’s middle school building principal by September 30 of their intent to do so. (See Eighth-graders' student identifying information.)

Eighth-graders’ academic records and special education records, if applicable, will be forwarded at the end of the eighth-grade school year to Stevenson High School. Parents and/or guardians of eighth graders have the right to inspect, copy, and/or challenge this information and must notify the student’s middle school building principal by May 15 of their intent to do so.

From time to time, basic directory information for grades K–8 (including home address) must be provided to Stevenson High School. Parents and/or guardians have the right to inspect, copy, and/or challenge this information and must notify the student's building principal by September 1st of their intent to do so.

Transfer of Permanent and Temporary Student Records
Whenever a student transfers from one school district to another, the cumulative record of the pupil, or a copy of the record, shall be transmitted to the district to which the student transfers, provided a request for such cumulative records is received from the district to which the transfer is made.

Transfer and Retention of Student Disciplinary Records
Up-to-date records of all discipline referrals and penalties will be retained by the school principal. Disciplinary records are not shared with other school districts if a student transfers or graduates.

Definition of Permanent Student Records
Permanent records will be maintained in the District for 60 years after the student has transferred, graduated, or otherwise permanently withdrawn from the school. Notification shall be given to the parents of students at the time of transfer, graduation, or withdrawal of the District’s requirement to maintain permanent records for 60 years.

Permanent records of graduating 8th-graders will automatically be forwarded to the high school of attendance. The student’s permanent record shall consist of the following:

1.  Basic identifying information, including student’s directory information and the parents’ names and addresses, birthdate and place, and gender
2.  Academic records, including standards-based grades and current grade level
3.  A student’s attendance record
4.  A student’s accident reports and health record
5.  Record of release of permanent record information

Definition of  Temporary Student Records
Temporary student records consist of all information not required to be in a student’s permanent record. Temporary student records will be destroyed five years after the student has transferred, graduated, or otherwise permanently withdrawn from the school.

Before any temporary student record is destroyed or information is deleted from the temporary file, a parent shall be given reasonable prior notice in accordance with applicable regulations adopted by the State Board of Education.  An opportunity to copy the records and information proposed to be destroyed or deleted will be provided.

Temporary student records may include but are not limited to the items listed as follows:

Records Pertaining to any Release of Temporary Record Information
This record must include: (1) the nature and substance of the information released; (2) the name and signature of the official records custodian releasing the information; (3) the name of the person requesting such information, the capacity in which such a request has been made and the purpose of the request; (4) the date of the release; and (5) a copy of any consent to such release.

  • Proof of Residency/Family Background
  • Enrollment Form and Residency Information
  • Birth Certificate
  • Race/Ethnicity Form
  • Court or other Legal Documents related to Custody or Guardianship
  • Home Language Survey
  • Scores received on all State Assessment tests administered
  • Achievement Test Scores
  • Intelligence Test Scores
  • Report Cards
  • 504 Plan Records
  • Response to Intervention (RtI) Documentation
  • Any Report of an Indicated finding of Physical or Sexual Abuse from the Child Protective Service Unit
  • Documentation of any serious disciplinary infractions (drug, weapons, bodily harm to another) that resulted in expulsion, suspension, or the imposition of  punishment or sanction
  • Reports of psychological evaluations, including information on intelligence, personality, and academic information obtained through test administration, observation, or interview
  • Accident Reports
  • Special education records that relate to identification, evaluation, or placement of or the provision of a free appropriate public education to students with disabilities (i.e., all evaluations, eligibility and IEP conference reports, parent/guardian consent forms, communications with the parents/guardians, release of record forms)

A Temporary Record may also include the following information:

  • Family background information
  • Aptitude test scores
  • Participation in extracurricular activities, including any offices held in school-sponsored clubs or organizations; honors and awards received
  • Teacher anecdotal records
  • Other disciplinary information and any verified reports or information from non-educational persons, agencies, or organizations of clear relevance to the education of the student

Release of Permanent or Temporary Student Records
A parent or student may not be forced by any person or agency to release information from the temporary record including employment, credit, or insurance. The District shall grant access to, or release information from, school student records without parental consent or notification under the conditions listed below:

1. To an employee or official of the school or school district or the Illinois State Board of Education, provided such employee or official or State Board of Education has a current demonstrable educational or administrative interest in the student and the records are in furtherance of such interest; or

2. To any person for the purpose of research, statistical reporting, or planning, provided that (1) such person has the permission of the Illinois State Superintendent of Education, and (2) no student or parent can be identified from the information released; or

3. Pursuant to a court order, provided that the procedures outlined in the Illinois School Student Records Act are observed

Custodian of Permanent and Temporary Student Records 
The principals of the last school of attendance, typically the middle school for a child who matriculates through the entire system, shall be designated as the records custodians for the district. Permanent records are transferred with a student to his or her new school prior to eighth grade.

Release of Directory Information
Directory information may be released to the general public and the press without prior notice or consent, unless a parent specifically requests that any or all such information not be released for his or her child. The parental notification must be made annually, before the start of the school year, through the online registration process. Directory information shall be limited to identifying information, including such things as name, address, grade level, and parents’ names and addresses.

Changes in Directory Information
Parents must notify the school office immediately of any changes in the Directory information of a student.

Permission to Videotape/Photograph a Student
During the school year, persons authorized by the District may take photographs for educational, evaluative, or publicity purposes. Videotapes may be shown on cable television or otherwise screened publicly. Photographs may appear in District publications, the yearbook, or community newspapers.

Annually, the District includes in registration videotape/photo release options. Each student’s parent or guardian who wishes to deny permission to videotape/photograph the student must "opt out" by checking the appropriate box stating the following: "NO, do not publish photos or works of my child for informational, public relations, or other appropriate reasons. In choosing to exclude my student, I understand that my student's name will not be included in event programs or award listings in local media or on school district websites. The parent choosing to do so must select the Opt Out option annually; a selection from a previous year will not carry over.

Authorization for Parental Inspection of Student Records
The Board of Education collects and maintains appropriate information and records regarding students attending District schools. Parents and/or legal guardians shall be allowed to inspect and review all materials in their child’s cumulative folder. This review will take place in the presence of the building principal or his or her designee.

If requested, parents and/or legal guardians shall be granted a hearing to challenge the content of the student records. In addition, appropriate administrative guidelines are established for the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of information contained in the student files. These guidelines are consistent with provisions in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Section 122.50 of the Illinois Rules and Regulations, to govern student records.

Procedures for Parental Inspection of Student Records
The following procedures are to be followed when implementing the Board’s policy dealing with parental inspection of student records.

1.  Parents and/or guardians wishing to inspect the cumulative records of their children shall call the school for an appointment with the school principal or designee.

2.  The appointment for the inspection shall be scheduled for a date no later than 10 school days from the request.

3.  Authorized persons or agencies, other than parents and/or guardians, desiring access to student records shall be required to sign a written form stating the legitimate educational interest they have in seeking the information. The completed form shall be kept permanently with the student’s file. Parents must be notified in advance before inspection by an outside agency.

4.  The principal or his or her designee will be present at all times while the records are being inspected by parents or an outside agency.

5.  A period of up to ten (10) school days will be allowed for staff to consolidate information when parents or guardians wish to inspect an individual student’s current academic records.

6.  Parents and/or guardians will not be permitted to remove any items from the cumulative folder or take any academic records from teachers.

7.  Should a copy of any records be requested by a parent or guardian, such copies will be given to parents at a cost of 15 cents per page.

8.  A parent or guardian may challenge the contents of the student records. The decision of the principal may be brought to the superintendent for review by the parents and/or guardians. A review of the superintendent’s decision may be requested by the Board of Education, whose decision is final.

9.  A copy of the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is available in each principal’s office for parents and/or guardians to review.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. The following paragraphs summarize those rights but should not be considered a legal interpretation of the limits of FERPA. Under FERPA,  a student’s parents and/or guardians have the following rights:

1.  The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access

A parent/guardian or eligible student should submit to the Records Custodian, Principal, or other appropriate official written requests that identify the record(s) he or she wishes to inspect. The District official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the District official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the parent/guardian or eligible student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2.  The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent/guardian or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading 

A parent/guardian or eligible student may ask the District to amend a record that he or she believes is inaccurate or misleading. Individuals should write the District official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record to be changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent/guardian or eligible student, the District will notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the decision and advise him or her when notified of the right to a hearing.

3.  The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the parent/guardian or eligible student’ education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent

One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the District in an administrative supervisory, academic, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person, company, or school with whom the District has contracted or intends to contract (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); or a person serving on the Board of Education. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA

 The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605